Page 100 of Fakecation

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You, Dana had said. She was only talking to Daniel again.

The uncomfortable feeling grew.

“Folly Beach.”

“Oh, I love the beach. It’s so beautiful and sunny. Plus, I get to wear my favorite swimsuit.”

Amelia had to resist the urge to roll her eyes, but then she saw Daniel’s eyes on her, a small smile in his expression.

“I’m finding that I love the beach too.”

His gaze made her cheeks heat.

“How are you doing?” Dana asked. “You know, with the news about Lucinda being with an older guy?”

Had she not figured out who it was? Maybe something good could happen today.

But Daniel still took it hard. Any trace of a smile disappeared from his face, and Amelia knew Dana had just stomped on a sore subject.

“I’m fine.” The elevator door opened. “I’ll see you later, Dana.” Then he turned to Amelia. “Are we still on for lunch?”

“Of course,” she said. “Have a good day.”

He nodded and walked toward his office. Dana followed behind but couldn’t keep up. Amelia sighed.

This was definitely going to be a long day.

She walked to her own office, closing the door behind her as she entered. She lay against it, alarmed by her legs practically begging her to go talk to Daniel, but she pushed it away and turned on her computer, groaning when she saw two hundred emails in her inbox.

She had work to do.


After losing herself to answering emails, Amelia only reappeared from her office to get more coffee. By the time she did, the news had changed.

Andrea was also grabbing a drink, and the moment she saw Amelia, she turned.

“Is Lucinda with Daniel’s father?”

Shit. “Um, I shouldn’t answer that.”

“But she is. It took me a minute to see it, but he called Daniel his son in his Facebook post.”

“How did you even see it?”

“Lucinda friend requested a lot of us.”

Of course she had.

“It’s . . . a long story,” she said. “And a sore subject. Daniel is a real person with real feelings, last time I checked.”

“Yeah, but he’s like a brick wall. He’s not going to tell us.”

“You don’t have to know,” Amelia said, shaking her head. “Leave it be.”

“Come on. Give us something. You’re his girlfriend, right? Or is this just casual?”

“I am his girlfriend,” she said sharply. “And honestly, I find it a little weird that you’re digging into so much about him.”
