Page 73 of Fakecation

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“Let’s walk around more,” he suggested. “I think I saw a gift shop as we were walking in.”

The summer heat wasn’t as intense under the shade, so they were able to gaze at the massive branches for a while before they needed to find cooler air. Amelia bought a mug that she didn’t need, but she wanted other items to help her remember this moment.

“Okay, what’s next on your date master plan?” Amelia asked as they walked back to her car.

“Now we go on a walk.”

He drove her to Hampton Park, a place she’d only been to once. John was more of a fan of the nightlife, and she’d had to drag him kicking and screaming to see the park. She’d loved it, with its ponds, oak trees, and colorful floral arrangements. John had been bored out of his mind.

The colors were different this year, with new annual flowers planted. It was still a warm day, and she could hear cicadas singing their tune in the trees.

“I figured we could do a lap or two.”

“Yes,” she said, grabbing Daniel by the arm and dragging him to the pathways. She took her time to admire all of the hues of the flowers and all the ducks in the water. It was warm enough to keep the crowds away. It didn’t take long for her to put her hair up in a bun, but the scenery made her willing to tolerate the heat.

By the time they’d done a lap, though, she was dying for something to drink.

Daniel seemed to read her mind. “There is a coffee shop down the road,” he said. “Let’s go get something to cool off.”

She eyed the sweat on his forehead, wondering why he’d dealt with the heat for so long. Luckily, the shop wasn’t far, and they were able to find something to cool them off. The small shop was crowded with people looking to find a caffeinated oasis in the heat, but Amelia didn’t mind settling close to him as she waited.

“This is the greatest thing I’ve ever had,” she said, lifting her iced latte.

“The smoothie isn’t bad either,” he replied.

“Thank you for taking me to the park. This was a great date.”

“Do you really think it’s over already? I’m not done with you yet.”

The words sent a shiver down her spine. “R-really? What else is there to do?”

“We haven’t even had dinner,” he said. “Now, would you like seafood or would you like nice scenery?”

“You mean I get to choose?”

“I have a feeling that will make tonight much more enjoyable. Which one will it be?”

“But what about what you want?”

“I will be perfectly happy at either.”

Damn. That was such a good answer that she couldn’t do anything but answer truthfully.

“I want nice scenery.”

“Okay, then. Nice scenery it is.”

The restaurant was the loudest part of the evening, but Daniel found a beautiful eatery inside an old church, so she couldn’t complain.

“I’ve heard of this place,” she said, eyes tracing over the stained-glass windows. “I’ve never been, though.”

“Just like the oak tree, the photos don’t do it justice.”

“Definitely not. I don’t even know if I need the food.” Her stomach growled angrily. “Scratch that. I do need the food.”

Daniel smiled at her, his full grin making her heart skip a beat. She didn’t see him smile like this in the office, and it made her wonder if this was only for her.

“I hear the food here is good too,” he said.
