Page 72 of Fakecation

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“Should it be this hard for a level-two boyfriend to convince you to go on a date?”

“Careful. Or I’ll demote you.”

“Message received.”

“Though I might feel better after I eat.”

Chapter Seventeen


Amelia couldn’t sit still on the car ride over. She didn’t have an excuse—she had taken her medication, but the idea of Daniel taking her out on a date had her mind racing. What if he hadn’t learned anything yesterday and he took her to something loud and unruly?

Or worse, what if he did learn something from the day before, and he was planning the perfect date?

She didn’t know which she wanted. Her heart was in a dangerous position, and she might just lose her grip on things if today went perfectly.

They were driving to Charleston, that much was for sure. Amelia had always loved the city but never wanted to make the drive out here by herself. A few times, John had gone with her, but he had an amazing talent for finding partners to go home with and she usually found herself driving back alone.

“Are you going to tell me any part of your plan?” she asked. “And why we had to leave right after we got changed?”

“Fine. I’ll tell you a part of it. The Angel Oak Park closes at five.”

She eyed the time. It was almost four. “You’re taking me to see the Angel Oak tree?”

“I am.”

“That’s one of the few places I haven’t been to. Did my mom tell you about this?”

“She mentioned a tree but not a specific one,” he replied. He was right. She’d always wanted to see it, but her family usually packed vacations with other sightseeing opportunities, and she couldn’t ever convince them that an old tree was interesting, even if it was historical. “But I could have gotten it wrong. We could do something else.”

“No!” she said quickly. “I’ve always wanted to go. Thank you for picking it out.”

“Good. Then I got one thing right.”

She had a feeling he was going to get many things right.

By the time they parked, Amelia was buzzing with anticipation. The tree was massive, far larger than the photos made it look. She found herself trailing the branches with her eyes, wondering just how something could grow so large.

“There’s so much shade,” she said. “Isn’t this incredible?”

“It is. Do you want me to get a photo of you with it?”

She nodded. She spent a minute getting into position. Daniel snapped a few pictures.

He was putting his phone away when someone nearby asked, “Do you want some of the two of you?”

“Yes,” Amelia replied before she could stop herself. “That would be great.” She gestured for Daniel to walk over and pulled him close.

“Such a cute couple,” the person said. “There you go. I got a few.”

“Thanks!” Amelia said as Daniel grabbed his phone.

“You didn’t have to include me,” he said.

“We need photos for if my mom asks.” She knew it wasn’t the full truth. She wanted the photos to remember this.

To remember him.
