Page 68 of Fakecation

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“That’s not happening. Ever.”

“I didn’t think so, but sometimes my anxiety tells me wild things. I’m sorry she ambushed you with that.”

“It was hardly the worst thing she’s done.”

“So, she’s engaged already? To who?”

His stomach sank at the question, but soon, she’d know anyway.

“My father.”

Amelia blinked. “I’m sorry. What?”

“She left me for my father.”

“Your—Oh, holy shit. That’s awful.”

“It is, but she wanted a rich husband who dotes on her and my father is that. They’re going to go public with it when we get back.”

“Public with it?”

“He’s famous. Once he tells people, everyone will know.”

“What does he do? Please tell me he doesn’t own our company.”

Daniel shook his head. “God, no. Have you heard of Michael Anderson?”

“The preacher?”

He nodded.

“Him? That’s your dad?”


Amelia stared at him as if taking in his features to see if he was lying. “I can kind of see it, but also not really. Daniel, that’s horrible.”

“That he’s my father or that my wife left me for him?”

“Both,” she said. “How are you even functioning?”

“Because her leaving was a bit of a blessing. And I also know she doesn’t love him. She wants the money. And to hurt me.”

“Oh, is that all? I’m glad I took her off the approved visitors list at work. Wait, this is why you want to pretend at the office, isn’t it?”

He nodded. “It’s going to be huge news when the story drops. I’m going to look horrible.”

“Hang on, you know it doesn’t make you look bad, right?”

“She left me for my father, Amelia. I don’t see how this doesn’t look bad for me.”

“It looks bad on her. She left you, not for someone that’s her age, has a regular job, and is kind and loving. She left you for someone who is rich. That’s not what normal people do.”

“I know . . . but it’s still embarrassing.”

Amelia’s face turned soft. “I understand that. I would feel that way too. But it’s not your fault.”

“I’m not blameless in all of this either.”
