Page 67 of Fakecation

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“Why are you calling?” he asked in lieu of a greeting.

“Where are you? You’re not home.”

“Why are you at my apartment?”

“You never responded to the invite to the wedding,” Lucinda said. “And no is not an acceptable answer.”

“That’s the answer you’re getting. No, I will not come. And why are you at my apartment?” he repeated.

“Excuse me, I chose this place. If anything, it should have been mine.”

“You got my dad’s mansions all over the country. Why are you worried about an apartment that you agreed to let me have in our divorce?”

“It’s not like you’re using it. Where are you?”

Daniel rubbed a hand over his face, feeling a tension headache bloom in his temples. This was like the night before the trip when she’d come over unannounced. She was trying to stir up some sort of emotion from him, but he didn’t feel a single thing toward her.

Except annoyance.

“I’m on vacation,” he said.

“What? Since when do you go on vacations?”

“Since my girlfriend invited me on one.”

“Oh, the girlfriend? That’s right. I heard about her. What is she—a rebound? I bet she’s not even prettier than me.”

“Lucinda,” he ground out.

“Come on, you can admit it.”

“The only thing I can admit is that you are a thorn in my side. You divorced me, Lucinda. That means you leave me alone.”

“We’re never done, sweetie. I’ll always have a piece of you.”

“You never had any of me from the start,” he snapped. “You were the worst mistake I ever made. I don’t want you. I don’t care about you. We are done, and I am with a woman who is nothing like you and I love every second of it.”

“Nothing like me? What does that mean?”

“It means she’s not a manipulative bitch like you are. I’m done talking to you. Goodbye.”

He hung up and then turned his phone to silent. This was how all of their arguments used to go. Lucinda would push and push and then get mad if he said what he truly felt.

“Wow,” a voice said. “You said everything I thought about her.”

He turned, eyes wide at the sight of Amelia.

“You weren’t supposed to hear that.”

“Why not? It was kind of awesome.”

“I don’t like being angry.”

“Considering what I’ve heard she’s done, I think she deserved it. Why did she call anyway?”

“To try and force me to go to her wedding to someone else.”

“Manipulative bitch was the correct terminology,” she replied. “And I’m sorry I followed you. I wanted to be here in case it was a bad conversation, or if you decided to take her back.”
