Page 40 of Fakecation

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“Yep. He and John didn’t get along.”

“That’s a shame. Be honest. Was he jealous that John dressed better than him?”

She laughed. “John dresses better than all of us. I bet that cover-up he was wearing was worth more than half my clothes.”

“It was designer.”

“You know designer?”

“Not me, but Lucinda does.”

“Did she leave anything behind? John might take it. He’s on a somewhat-tight budget and I bet she’d hate having her things given away.”

“She would. I’ll check when I get back.”

Amelia went to say something else, but a rowdy kid jumped into the pool right in front of them, splashing her in the face.

She sputtered while Daniel laughed.

“That’s what you get for splashing me,” he said. “Karma.”

“Let’s go down to the ocean,” she suggested. “Maybe there will be less splashing.”

“I thought you loved splashing.”

“I only love splashing you. Get it right.”

She hauled herself out of the pool, excited to feel the sand between her toes. The beach was busy, but there were only so many people this tiny island could hold. She’d heard Myrtle Beach was worse.

Amelia made a beeline for the water, eager to feel the push and pull of waves. When she got in, a larger one crashed over her, nearly knocking her over.

“Is that . . . fun?” Daniel called from the shore.

“Why don’t you come here and find out?”

His eyes narrowed at the challenge and he cautiously waded into the water.

“The key here is,” she said, “to never turn away from the waves. You don’t want to get caught looking at the shore when a wave hits you. But when a wave is coming, jump up and then turn.”

“You just said never to turn.”

“If you’re staring right at it when it crashes, you get saltwater in your eyes and mouth. It’s disgusting.”

“So, always watch the waves, jump, and then turn. That’s . . . somewhat clear.”

“Trust me, it’ll be fun.”

Another large wave hit them, but this one dumped water on her head. The salt stung her eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Oh yeah. This is great.”

“So can I laugh now?”

“Absolutely,” she said, finally opening her eyes. “That’s half the fun. We’re both going to look ridiculous.”

And she was right. Amelia’s braid fell out in the first hour they were in the water. She could taste salt in her mouth, but all she could do was laugh at either herself or Daniel as they tried to jump over the waves.
