Page 38 of Fakecation

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His eyes lingered on her face, and she realized he was breathing hard. Had he been affected by that too?

“Sorry if it was too far. I just didn’t like the idea of you getting hit on like that.” His eyes left her, and he rubbed the back of his neck.

“It’s fine.” More than fine, even. He could easily do it again and she wouldn’t complain. “Do you want to get into the pool now? I doubt anyone else will try anything.”

Daniel nodded. Amelia wasted no time jumping straight in. She needed the cold rush after what had just happened.

“Refreshing,” she said when she spotted Daniel with only his feet in.

“I don’t think I can handle cold water like you can.”

“Not many people can.”

He nodded, and Amelia’s brain started to go back to what had just happened by the chairs, but she shook it off.

Instead, she decided to enjoy the water to quiet her brain. She loved swimming, and the feeling of moving in water always calmed her down. She did a few backstrokes, enjoying that the pool wasn’t too crowded as she swam around.

When Amelia was finally done, Daniel was still watching her.

“You could get in, you know,” she said as she swam over to him. “You adjust to the water over time.”

“I will. I was just noticing how relaxed you look. You don’t look like that at work.”

“Vacation life agrees with me. There’s something about being in water that does good things for my brain.”

You and your weird brain.

Andrew. That had been Andrew.

“You already looked stressed again,” Daniel noted. “Thinking about work?”

Nope. Just my asshole ex that ruined my faith in humanity.

“Things slip in sometimes,” she said. “I’m going to do a few more laps to get back into vacation mode.”

She swam off before anything else could pop in. The water did its job, and by the time she stopped, she felt the last bits of her sadness vanish.

Daniel had gotten all the way in but didn’t look happy about it.

“Now I see why all the adults stay in the hot tub,” he muttered.

“What? Can’t handle the cold?”

“I usually stay warm. This is odd for me.”

“It would be a shame if someone . . . splashed you.”

“Don’t you dare.”

It was too late. Spurred on by her own impulsiveness, Amelia threw water on him. He nearly jumped. At first, he attempted to get away from her, but when that didn’t work, he tried a different tactic.

His muscled arms wrapped around her, their skin pressing together. He quickly warmed, possibly because of the head-to-toe blush that Amelia could feel crawling up her own body.

“Now you can’t splash anymore.”

“This is cheating,” she protested. “Foul play.”

“The only foul play was what you just did. Now, if I let you go, will you be good?”
