Page 37 of Fakecation

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So what if he was hot? She knew that when she invited him. It was fine. She could easily make it through this trip without acting on it.

She busied herself with grabbing a bag for towels and sunscreen. By then, Daniel had finished his task, too.

“I’ll get the rest of my body down by the pool,” he said. “Ready?”

Amelia nodded, gesturing for him to lead the way.

It was a hot and sunny day. They found a free pool chair in the corner of the swimming area, where Daniel pulled off his shirt.

Amelia froze. He was even better shirtless. He had lightly defined muscles and a lithe build that she would be dreaming about.

Nope. Don’t do it.

She focused on what she needed to do. That was when she knew she couldn’t delay the inevitable.

Her cover-up came off and went into the bag. She could feel the sticky air hit her skin, and she purposefully didn’t look at Daniel as she rubbed her shoulders.

There was the sound of a whistling catcall, and Amelia’s eyes shot up. An old man was looking at her with a lecherous grin on his face.

“Seriously?” she muttered.

Daniel moved closer. “That’s unnecessary.”

Amelia looked over at him and saw he was glaring in the direction of the man. His body was angled toward her, sending a clear message that she wasn’t alone.

Was he being protective? Over her?


A thousand more thoughts fought for attention in her mind.

“Do you need me to get your back?” he asked, looking down at her.

Her mouth went dry at the idea of his hands on her, but she slowly nodded. They gently pressed into her skin, making long, sure strokes on her shoulders and middle back. Everything else around her slipped away, and all she could focus on was how good his hands felt on her body.

Questions came rolling into her mind as her focus snapped.

Could she get him to lotion other parts of her body? Was he this gentle with Lucinda? Would he be like this in other places?

But her thoughts vanished in a puff of smoke when his hands stopped on her shoulders. His grip tightened, and he pulled her close. She shivered, despite the heat in the air.

“Can I kiss your neck?” he asked in a low tone.

“Y-yes.” The words tumbled out of her. At that moment, he could kiss her anywhere. His lips traced her shoulder, and she closed her eyes, wishing she could memorize every second of the moment. He moved upward, his kiss landing right on the sensitive spot of her neck. She let out a surprised gasp.

He went higher, right until his lips were next to her ear. “There,” he whispered, “that should send the message.”

Her eyes popped open. Message?

Shit. The wolf-whistler. Daniel was sending a message to him.

Amelia’s heart sank, and she stepped away from him. Of course. This fake relationship was exactly that.


Maybe she should have brought her vibrator or something. Then she could take care of these thoughts that refused to leave. But then again, when would she even have time?

“Good idea,” she said. “You put on a good show.”
