Page 18 of Fakecation

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He was right. Their mom’s car could fit five people, but not comfortably. Amelia really didn’t want to be squished between Daniel and her brother for five hours.

Amelia: I’ll take my car.

John: HA. Yeah right. You hate driving.

Amelia: I’m not asking Daniel to drive. He moved his entire schedule around to come. I’ll be fine.

Mom: Are you sure, honey?

Dad: We could rent a car.

Amelia smiled at her dad’s text. Her dad was smart and resourceful, but even with a bigger car, she didn’t want to throw Daniel to the wolves this early, especially with no escape route available.

Maybe she didn’t want to be thrown to the wolves, either.

Amelia: No, it would be a nightmare to get a rental so quickly. I’ll drive. It’ll be fine, guys.

Mom: Okay, but only if you’re sure.

Dad: Amelia is very capable of taking care of herself. Just call us if you need anything, okay?

Amelia: Always.

She smiled and put away her phone. It took until she was in her office to realize what she had offered to do.

Amelia hated driving; John wasn’t wrong about that. It made her anxiety rise just thinking about it. She only had a car, so she could drive herself and John to her family’s house for holidays. She didn’t even use it to get to work.

But it wasn’t like she had a better option. She really didn’t want to spend any amount of time in the back seat of a cramped car with three people.

It would be better to be in the driver’s seat with one person, even if she barely knew him.

At least it wasn’t the man her mom was trying to set her up with.

Amelia then realized she was staring at a wall and being entirely unproductive. So, she attempted to focus on her work, which essentially meant approving or denying HR issues and escalations. She was done by five, and then she turned on her out-of-office message and shut down her computer.

Sighing, she rubbed her eyes for a moment and then stood to leave. She wondered if she should text Daniel to make plans for the next day, but she ran right into him as she left her office.

Quite literally.

She was met with a solid chest and the smell of pine and cedar. He was warm in the cool air of the office, and she was tempted to stay and savor the heat he provided.

But she stepped back, rubbing her cheek from where it had been pressed against his shirt.

“Sorry,” Daniel said. “I was just about to knock.”

Amelia took in his appearance. He had his work laptop in hand and a backpack slung over his shoulder.

“Are you leaving already?” she asked.

“Yes. I finished early.”

“Wow, that’s great. You normally stay later.”

“I was hoping to catch you before you left. We still need to figure out the plan for tomorrow, right?”

“Right.” She nodded. “We have to plan things. Usually my brother and dad do all the thinking.”

“How about you tell me what you have and I’ll do some of it as well.”
