Page 17 of Fakecation

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“I haven’t had the time to.”

Lucinda rolled her eyes. “Of course. Your job is so important.”

That had been another point of contention—how late Daniel worked.

“You wanted me to make money,” he reminded her.

“Not like this. Haven’t you ever heard of passive income?”

It was his turn to roll his eyes. “That’s not how it works.”

“And the apartment, you’re never here. Why didn’t you let me have it?”

“You’re living in my father’s mansion,” Daniel said. “You don’t need it. Unless you plan on cheating on him too.”

She laughed and shook her head, but he knew that she could never focus on one person. There was always someone better out there.

He knew he should care about his father enough to warn him. He knew that there had to be some form of loyalty that he could call on in order to tell his father what Lucinda would probably do.

But he didn’t care. Not really. Daniel doubted he would ever call his father at all, much less to tell him what his ex-wife might do.

“You’re never going to be happy,” she said. “Not without me.”

She turned and walked away. Daniel felt his fists clench, until he realized that he would be away for a week where she couldn’t find him. That thought alone was enough to calm him down. He ignored the way she swayed her hips as she walked toward the door, as if inviting him to see what he was missing out on. But it didn’t work. He felt nothing, and because he hadn’t loved her in so long, he couldn’t remember why he ever did.

He rolled his eyes again as she shut the door. He couldn’t wait for vacation.

Chapter Five


Her mom had said that she was waiting for an answer, but Amelia knew she wouldn’t wait forever. As soon as Daniel told her he had the time off the following morning, she texted the family’s group chat.

The reaction was instantaneous.

Amelia: Daniel said he would like to join us.

John: Who the fuck is Daniel?

Amelia: My boyfriend.

John: EXCUSE ME? Since when are you dating?

Mom: Yay! I’m so glad he could join us!

There was no going back now, Amelia realized. Her nerves were frayed from lying to her family, and she knew they were going to be talking about this all day. John knew of her aversion to dating since he had one of his own, but she didn’t know if he’d see right through the lie or not.

Despite the stress, she still needed to get to work, so she put down her phone and ignored any new messages until she got on the MARTA.

John: Hold on, Mom. You knew?

Mom: Of course! She just told me yesterday.

John: What is even happening right now?

Amelia: We’re going on vacation and Mom invited my boyfriend. That’s what happened.

John: Wait, so there’s five of us total? How are we going to get there? I refuse to all squish in the back of Mom’s car.
