Page 83 of To Be Fated

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“Oh!” She pops off the bed with a fire lit under her ass and leaves for the shower. With the sheet left behind, her naked body is on display for me and I love it. I crave every inch of her.

Before I join her, I text Sage to make sure she’ll have all of Kara’s things for her when we get out of the shower. She’ll lay them out nicely on the bed and then my little treasure can choose what she’d like. Except for the collar. That is my only must-wear item. I need everyone to know she belongs to me. No one would ever dare hurt her again knowing she’s mine.

Whether or not we are mates. Whether or not we will ever be what I crave most is irrelevant. She is mine. And they will never touch her again. I’ll kill them if they do.

I crack my neck as I walk to the door to unlock it for the servants and then make my way to the bathroom. Kara sits perched on the bench in the shower, she’s completely dry and just has her hand under the stream. The steam billows around her and the warmth has already made her chest flush with a gorgeous warmth to it. When I get to the opening of the stall, her eyes meet mine and the blush returns to her cheeks. She turns her body slightly, trying to hide her curves. I tisk her as I close the door behind me.

“Never hide yourself from me.” I lean down and kiss her lips. At first it’s gentle, but then her hand reaches up and she holds my jaw, deepening the kiss. A deep need for more comes over me and I part her lips with my tongue as my hand roams down her side. She sighs into my mouth and leans against me. This is the most affectionate and obedient she’s ever been. I wonder if sleepy Kara is more receptive to being a sub than a fully awake Kara. I like both versions, but I really enjoy how easy this is right now. Maybe she just needed a good fuck and a good sleep. Reminding myself what she’s been through, I pull away, kiss the crown of her head, and put my hand in the stream. “Is this to your liking, treasure?”

She nods, her lips still parted as she looks up at me. “Yes, Sir.”

Fuck, she’s being so good right now. I fucking love it. “Stand up. First I’ll wash you and take care of the pain I put you in, and then you’ll wash me. Understood.”

She smiles again and nods. “Yes, Sir.” I put her right where I want her, facing away from me under the stream, and lather my hands up with soap. It’s not scented, and I like it that way. I’d rather smell her natural sweetness.

I’ll run some oils through her hair to smooth it and give her a touch of floral scent. I gently knead her shoulders and she immediately moans with pleasure. Damn, I love how responsive she’s being. I kiss her neck as a reward and she leans back slightly. I should admonish that behavior, but I crave her affection. My dragon presses against my chest, desperate for more.

I’m struck by my own thought. I’ve never wanted anyone’s affection before. This little human has gotten under my skin. I smile, move my hands to her breasts, and continue washing her and kneading her body. Mate or not, I think I like how she’s got me wrapped around her little finger. So long as she doesn’t realize it, so long as she doesn’t know the depths I would go to keep her. I gently pluck her nipples between my fingers, and she responds by arching her back and pressing her ass into my now raging hard dick.

“Careful, treasure. I need to heal you first.” She shakes her head, pushing her wet hair into my chest.

“I like being sore, Sir.” I stifle my groan at her disobedience. My dick pulses nestled in her ass. She smiles broadly, her eyes closed, and pushes her heat against my dick.

“I’ll make you good and sore again. I promise you. But I don’t want you to be in pain. And above all you will obey me, understood?”

Her feminine simper remains on her face as she nods. “Yes, Sir.”

I squat, ignoring my aching needs, to continue washing every inch of her body. It’s difficult not to notice that she’s still a bit thin, but that will take time. I talk while on my knees behind her. “I want to make a few things clear. Last night, fucking you had nothing to do with your punishment. Nothing at all. You know that don’t you?”

“It was a reward?” she questions genuinely. Fuck. No. I don’t want her thinking that either.

“No. I fucked you because you were in need.” Her eyes fall and disappointment clouds her eyes. I continue my ministrations, more than aware she’s upset by whatever I’ve just said. I clear my throat to continue, and she looks away. “What’s wrong?”

I barely hear her murmured question as the water sprays around us. “Is that the only reason?”

Oh. I understand. I rise behind her and run my hands down her sides while I breathe down her neck. She shudders as I whisper in her ear, “No, treasure; I fucked you because I’ve been dying to be inside you since the moment I saw you.” I fucking love the sound of her tortured whimper as she pushes her ass into my dick again. “You better be careful,” I warn. “That kind of behavior is going to get you fucked again.”

As soon as the words leave my lips, I realize what I just allowed. She’s topping from the bottom. I can’t have that happening. Not when she’s unaware of everything else at play and what exactly our relationship will entail. My voice comes out harder than I anticipate, “On the bench.” She doesn’t hesitate. She’s so caught up with her desire to please me, my harsh tone doesn’t even register. For that I’m grateful. This woman has me stumbling in ways I’ve never imagined.

I move her how I’d like. I push her knees open, pull her ass to the edge of the bench, and then crouch down to enjoy her how I’ve wanted to since I woke beside her. With two fingers, I part her lips and slowly lick her from her entrance to her clit. Her hands move to my hair and her head falls back. Her groan is as intoxicating as her taste. As much as I enjoy both, this is about more than pleasure.

Pulling away, I wait for her to look at me. “Keep your hands on the bench treasure.” She bites her lip but does as she’s told. I return to her reddened pussy and bring the healing heat to my tongue to sooth her ache. I dip my tongue into her heat and savor her taste. So fucking sweet. I lick, suck, and nibble all around her, except her throbbing clit begging for my attention. She moans and writhes, and it’s obvious that she’s struggling to keep her hands on the bench, but she obeys. Her nails gently scratch at the wood as I tease her. When she peers down at me, desperate for the fall, I praise her for her efforts, “Good girl.”

I finally put my tongue flat against her clit and watch as her body tenses. I know she’s on edge and just a little suckling will have her going over. I groan against her heat and massage against her needy clit. I slip one finger in and curl it to tease that sensitive bundle of nerves. I suck her clit into my mouth and massage it with my tongue while my finger goes to work on her g-spot. She goes off under my touch like fucking fireworks. Her legs stiffen and tremble. Her moans fill the shower and sound like a fucking symphony of pleasure. I draw it out of her, sucking and massaging to get it all, every last bit of her orgasm until she’s limp and panting.

I pull away from her and find her hands gripping the bench with a death grip. I stand and lean down to kiss her. Her hands wrap around my neck, holding me there for her. I smile against her lips and pull back, grabbing her wrists. “I didn’t tell you that you could let go yet, treasure.” Her eyes go round with slight worry. That drowsy, lust-filled look is replaced with alertness. I chuckle and kiss her wrists. “Can you stand yet, so you can wash me?”

My dick is so fucking hard, it aches. It stands stiff and tall between us. Begging for attention. I know she’s going to want to play. And I can’t wait to make her beg for it. To beg for me. She smiles and stands, rather firm footed, which is more than I suggested. It’s almost like her treat woke her up. I smirk as she reaches for the soap and lets her eyes travel down my body. She gasps when she sees my dick. She bites her lip and doesn’t take her eyes away like I thought she would. Her hands find my shoulders, but her eyes are glued to my erection. Her small hands travel my body as she steps closer, bringing her breasts right into my view.

Fuck, she’s such a tease. I let her go at her own pace, washing every bit of me as her gaze returns to my cock with each and every stroke she takes. She settles on her knees with her lips just an inch away and rubs her hands over my calves. The water gently hits her back. Her small breasts bounce as she sits on her heels and finally looks up at me as she rinses her hands in the water.

Her hazel eyes flicker with desire as she wraps her hands around the base of my dick and her lips around the head. She closes her eyes and gently sucks. Fuck, her hot mouth is everything I’ve wanted. One hand on the stone wall braces me, the other reaches for her chin and gently pulls her off my dick. I can’t fucking help but to groan as she lets it pop out of her mouth.

“You have to ask permission to pleasure me, treasure.” Her mouth falls open in surprise. And her eyes flicker between my dick and my eyes.

“But you’re in need.” Her response is spoken with complete earnest.

I smile down on my sweet little Kara. “It’s my job to take care of your needs, but your only job is to obey me.”
