Page 82 of To Be Fated

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With the early morning light filtering in the etched glass panes, I wake drowsily and then grin when I feel Kara lying next to me. Her naked body is a glorious sight. Ever so gently, I push her hair off her face and run my thumb along her jaw, careful not to wake her but unable to keep my hands off her.

Her expression is nearly angelic; she is so calm and at peace in her sleep. I clench my jaw remembering last night, the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

I’ve never had a woman attempt to leave me before. I’ve also never wanted to keep one as much as I do Kara.

If ever there was a line, I’m certain I crossed it last night. I wouldn’t take it back though, not for a single second. She’s mine. In every way, this woman is mine.

That fact doesn’t lighten the burden that weighs heavily on my shoulders though. The consequences of what I’ve done. I sigh heavily and run the hand that’s free down my face, stopping at the rough stubble of my jaw. Kara is soundly sleeping on my other arm, with her face buried into my chest. The sheet hardly hides her body from me. The curve of her waist and lush ass tempt me and I’m all too aware of my hardening cock.

Still sleeping, Kara stretches catlike against my body. Her breasts brush against my chest and I stifle a groan. Her leg pushes over mine as she yawns and twists to stretch her limbs. I watch her, waiting for her to realize where she is. I smirk at her as her eyes pop open and she stills against me. Her heart hammers and her eyes widen.

“Good morning treasure.” She quickly moves the covers up her body and slowly lies down next to me so that she’s barely touching me.

As her gaze looks me up and down, slight fear flashing in her eyes, I remind myself that it’s expected. That all of this is new to her. And yet, I fucking hate it. Yesterday morning, she didn’t know I existed.

It takes everything in me to maintain my composure. Slowly, she seems to remember every moment, and a warmth colors her cheeks.

A low growl of approval rises in my chest as I readjust under the sheets, my dragon stirring and wanting more. Wanting her naked again. Wanting to spoil her, to have my hands on her.

Although I’m sure she’s sore from last night’s events, the thought makes my dick stiffen further. I made that pussy sore. I could lick it to make it better.

“Good morning, Sir.” She answers, but I don’t think she realizes that her use of sir is an indication that she wants to play. I’m certainly up for it, but I have a feeling it wasn’t her intention.

“You want to play treasure?” Her eyes fly to mine as I question her.

Her wide eyes, still full of sleep, peer into mine, “Now?”

“You addressed me as Sir,” I offer an explanation.

She shakes her head gently, “I don’t think so…I, um…” She swallows as she pulls the sheets closer. Rather than allowing her to fumble through thoughts and explanations, I grant her mercy.

“I didn’t think you wanted to, either. Calling me Sir is the way to get me to play if you want to, though.” She looks at me with uncertainty and clears her throat but doesn’t speak.

Her naivety is evident, and she has my sympathy. Which I hope will only aid me in my endeavors. “You can call me Drago.”

She smiles but remains quiet. I don’t care for her uneasiness, but again I remind myself that it’s to be expected. She is human and last night did not go as planned.

“Are you still mad at me?” she asks while holding the sheet to her chest. The insecurity in her voice is worrisome and I loathe it.

“I’m not mad, Kara.” With deliberate movements, I grip her chin and tilt her head to look at me and say, “I may have to tie you up before bed though.” She clenches her thighs at my words and then lets out a small whimper. Fuck, that soft feminine noise is everything. I allow a grin to pull at my lips and when her gaze falls to it, she offers me a semblance of a simper. Curiosity and even desire flash in her eyes, although I don’t scent her heat in the least.

With my voice low, I contain my own desire long enough to ask, “How are you feeling?”

“Fine,” she answers in a whisper and then bites her lip.

“Are you sore?” Her cheeks flush a deep crimson red. It takes a lot of work to keep the smirk off my face. “Part your legs for me.”

She looks back at me with wide eyes full of insecurities. “I haven’t showered or anything,” she says in a hushed tone while tucking her golden locks behind her ear.

The image of her naked body dripping wet comes to mind instantly. We could start the morning with a hot shower, and I could lap the water from her soft skin. It would be far better than the bath. It’s an open stall with several shower heads, river rock on the floor, and sleek granite on the walls. It’s large and the bench in it would be perfect for her little ass to sit on while I take care of her.

“I know.” I stare back at her, waiting for her to obey. “I’d like you not to question my orders.” There’s a small hint of warning in my voice. She’s still getting used to this relationship and power dynamic, so I don’t push too much. It’s all a part of the play after all.

I fucking love that all of this is new to her. That I have the honor of training and teasing her and breaking her in. My cock twitches once again and on cue, she obeys.

She keeps her eyes on me as she bends her knees and parts her legs. I lean over and brush my fingers along her pussy and open her up for me. Her lips are a bit red and swollen slightly. Hmm. She shivers at my touch and as I slip my fingers up to her clit, she presses herself into my touch.

I take my hand away and rub her thigh intent on rewarding her. “Good girl. I’ll take care of you in the shower.” She blushes, her legs still spread, and the scent of her arousal tempts me to take her right here once again. Before I can act on it, I command her. “Go now, I don’t want to have to wait.”
