Page 76 of To Be Fated

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“Yes”—her back bows as she finishes—“please, Sir.” I nearly reach my own orgasm just hearing her soft plea.

I lean down and take a nipple in my mouth to suckle and bite gently, pulling up and releasing her tender skin. I’m all too aware of how careful I must be on such sensitive flesh. I lick below, beneath the swell of her breast and travel upward, swirling my tongue and wetting the skin, before lighting it aflame. I lick behind the fire as it gently dies on her skin. She arches her back and cries out as waves of pleasure numb her skin. Her body trembles beneath me. My dick leaks more precum, begging to be inside her heat, but I ignore my own needs.

I pull the covers back and lay next to her as she comes down from her orgasm. I carefully cover her body with the blanket and pull her back to my chest to kiss her hair and tell her what a good girl she is.

My hard-as-fuck cock won’t fucking die. With my hips angled back, I attempt to keep my condition from being noticed. I could go into the other room and take care of it myself, but I’d rather wait. A smile pulls at my lips as I kiss her hair again. The next time, I’ll find my release with her. I’ll feel her come on my cock. My dragon stirs inside of me as I inhale the scent in the air, and I’m met with a bit of disappointment. There’s only a faint smell of her lingering heat. My chest seems to be crushed by an unseen weight. I truly desire this woman. I want her to be my mate. I need to remind myself that our time may be limited.

Her chest rises and falls heavily and chaotically as she comes down from her release. I can tell the very moment the endorphins leave her and she comes to her wits. Her body stiffens in my embrace and her breathing seems to halt. I keep my hold on her and roll onto my back. My dick aches and begs me for its release as it sticks straight up in the air. Fuck, even the feeling of the comforter could get me off. I close my eyes and push it down, and then pull and turn my sweet submissive so that she’s laying against my chest. Her eyes dart to mine and then down to the obvious bulge beneath the comforter.

I wrap a strong arm around her and pull her small body closer to mine. She resists a little but comes to me. I don’t like that she resisted so I feel the need to ask again, “What color to stop it, my treasure?”

Her eyes soften and she looks up at me through her thick lashes. “Red,” she answers in a sweet voice. I lean down and kiss her hair again.

“That’s right. Good girl.” She slowly puts her full weight against my body and relaxes.

“Sleep now; you need your rest.” I run my fingers along the dip in her waist and end my perusal of her there.

As she settles and seems to understand my intentions are to lay beside her and nothing more, sleep pulls her in.

As quietly as I can, I reach to the nightstand to pick up the tablet. Eager to distract myself.

With one hand I open it and start a search for what the internet will provide me with, but I haven’t the faintest clue where to start other than “missing person named Kara.” And that search doesn’t turn up shit. I’ll have to get everything I can from her in the morning. Somewhat disappointed, I decide to make a list for Sage, a housekeeper of sorts.

She’ll pick up everything I need. I’ll get Kara all the basic things she will need and everyday attire. It’s rather boring and tedious so I keep the task for Sage. Then I shop for my treasure. I pick out a beautiful and intricate gold collar from a private jeweler I’ve known for decades. It’s thin and appears delicate but made with an enchantment to ensure its strength. I look down at my Kara, eyes closed and seemingly in a deep peaceful sleep; it’s perfect for her. The shadows that the fire casts trail down her delicate features.

It takes far too long for my attention to turn back to the task at hand.

I choose a few more items and a particularly appealing golden dress, if you can call the scrap of cloth that. Finally, I pick out another piece of jewelry that will be fun to play with. It’s a long chain that will attach to her collar at one end and the other end will gently clamp her clit. A tug of the chain will give her more pleasure than she could ever imagine. A sarcastic smile grows as I turn off the tablet and run a hand down my face.

That did not do anything to help my erection.

I rest my head against the pillow. Today has turned out to be quite extraordinary. The only exception being the fact that my little treasure is merely pretending to sleep across my chest. Her breathing is uneven and occasionally her eyes move behind her lids. It’s nearly comical how bad of a job she’s doing.

I put a hand behind my head and get comfortable. I’ll do a better job pretending how to sleep, then I can figure out what my treasure is up to.


As I lay in the silence, my pounding heart gives me away. It’s beating out of my fucking chest so loudly I’m certain it will wake Drago.

What the hell just happened?

With the heat lingering over every inch of my skin, all I can think is that his power or a spell or something else has taken over and demanded I desire him. If he’d asked me to part my legs for him, I would have without hesitation. I would’ve given my virginity to him without even thinking twice.

Swallowing thickly, I’m as still as can be with the steady yet faint rise and fall of his broad chest beside me. His scent and warmth wrap around me and confuse my thoughts. One is far too evident though: I’m in way over my head.

I know how to fight. I’m prepared to fight. But this? I’m not prepared for this. I’ve never even considered these desires and wanting this with someone. The passion. The desperate need to feel him and allow him to do whatever he’d like…this is a torture I’ve never known.

How could I possibly feel so strongly for someone I’ve only just met. Fated mates. Love at first sight. I’ve never believed in that shit. As Drago’s position changes slightly and the bed groans along with his movement, I will my trembling body to stay still and try to keep my breathing from coming out ragged. I swallow, and the movement makes my chin bump against his hard, rippled chest. Simply having my skin meet his allows a fire to rage through me, and the memories of what just happened elicit an even stronger need.

When he licked me and heated my sensitized skin with his fire, all I wanted was for him to thrust into me. I felt as though I needed him. The ache is still yearning for him to take me. I’ve never been so open, so bared to someone. I completely let my guard down.

How fucking stupid could I be? It must be magic. I’m simply caught in a spell.

Drago takes a deep breath causing his chest to rise. His masculine scent fills my lungs, and the intoxicating lore tempts me to peer beneath the sheets. I’m certain he’s still in need given the bulge that’s impossible for him to hide. It takes every ounce of strength to remind myself that this isn’t real.

But as the time passes ever so slowly, I can’t keep myself from thinking about him. From wanting him.

I need to get the fuck out of here.
