Page 75 of To Be Fated

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“And then you can sleep.”

“W-what is my reward?” Her voice is laced with apprehension.

I smirk at her and answer, “A touch of fire that only a dragon can give you, my little treasure.” She swallows thickly while pulling her legs inward and wraps her arms around her knees. Her breathing becomes shallow as she stares at me, the fire echoed in her gorgeous eyes.

“Are you...” she whispers but doesn’t finish. I can smell her fear.

“I’m not going to fuck you.” Her breathing stills with my statement. “I don’t think you’re ready for that. Are you?” Her hazel eyes dance with uncertainty.

Shock overwhelms me. Is she truly debating it?

She may think she’s ready, she may want physical affection, but not sex. Not yet. Not until she knows exactly what the consequences of that may be. I won’t push, although my dragon is desperate for her.

“Then what is my reward?” she asks breathlessly.

I stare at the button-down shirt she’s wearing; it’s made of natural fibers, which is good. Anything else could melt or ignite. And I know she isn’t wearing any perfumes or lotions since I bathed her myself. “Massage. It’s therapeutic and I think it would do you some good.” I make my way back to the nightstand and cock an arrogant brow. “Undress again and lay on your belly.”

“Could I lay under the blanket?” Her hands are already at the buttons. Good girl. Who would’ve thought she’d be so eager to please me?

“Just your bottom half.” For now. I climb on the bed and take a candle from the table as she lies just like I told her to. I tilt the candle and let the wax fall into my palm. It’s primarily cocoa butter designed for such things, and I rub the liquid between my hands.

I knead her shoulders and neck as I ask, “Fire is a magical thing. Do you know some people worship fire?” Small moans escape her. I smile knowing she’s enjoying herself as the tension melts away. “Dragons have been worshipped and loved for their ability to create a flame from nothing. We’re feared just as much for the same reason.” I straddle her upper thighs and move my hands down her back, massaging circles into her stiff muscles. “But few know what pleasure fire can give.”

“Mmmm.” I chuckle deep and low and wipe the residual wax off her back, continuing to rub and knead her tense body. My fingers graze along the flesh that was struck by the whip. No evidence remains.

Her body slowly relaxes under me. The moment sleep seems to tempt her, I stop, knowing she will thoroughly enjoy what I plan and will sleep far better when I’m through with her.

“Roll over treasure.” I lift my ass off my heels and stand on my knees, still straddling her. She looks back with a weary glance before rolling and covering her breasts. Her bottom half is still covered by the blanket. I sit back on my heels and prepare for a bit of a demonstration. As soon as her eyes are on me, I breathe fire over my forearm, letting the flames lick and bite their way down my path. I quickly wipe the path with my other hand and hold it up for her to see.

Her eyes go wide and she gasps. “You hurt yourself!”

As the heat dances on my now sensitized skin, I chuckle rough and low again before answering her, “No my treasure, the feel of a flame is incomparable to any other touch, the soft lashes are meant to heighten pleasure.”

Her lips part in shock as she asks, “Are you going to light me on fire?”

“Of course not. I don’t want to hurt you. You should never be in pain. I just want to give you a pleasure only I can give.” She looks unconvinced. “Hold out your arm.” She hesitates but it doesn’t take long for her to give me her right arm as she still covers her breasts with the other. “I’m a shifter.” My words get her attention. “I don’t mind your nudity.”

I trail my fingers gently up and down her forearm and grin at the goosebumps my touch leaves behind. Before she can object, a low flame bellows from my chest. Gripping her wrist to keep her still, I run the fire down the inside of her forearm and watch it tickle her skin and extinguish itself. My other hand gently calms the skin as the flames die. I look back at her and find her lips parted and eyes half lidded. It’s a look of awe and enlightenment. I know the endorphins must be rushing her system, heightening her arousal. They’ll give her a greater sense of pleasure. Just the idea that fire play excites her makes my dick hard as steel. I ignore the fact that I could easily bury myself deep in her heat. But not yet. She’s not nearly ready for it and she’s been through far too much as it is.

I set her arm down gently on the bed and knead her shoulders. Her hair is in the way, so I lift it up and onto the bed, feeling her loose silky waves and reveling in the control she’s given me. “Close your eyes and relax.” Her hazel eyes look deep into mine with a look that tortures me—one of desire yet also distrust. I knead into her tense shoulders. Only once she’s finally relaxed and lets her shoulders fall do I lean in. The crack of the fires burning around us fuels my own flame.

I kiss her skin with the bite of my flame, letting it dance across her collar bone before licking the sensitized skin. I pull back slightly to ensure the color is right. A healthy pink, exactly what I want to see. A soft moan pours from her lips as she clenches her thighs. I can smell the arousal pooling between her legs. I close my eyes and resist my own urges.

I do the same to the other side: massage, fire, kiss. My tongue travels languidly along her skin. I lick up her neck and continue to rub her tender skin, soothing it. I blow the flame along her exposed throat, keeping it low so she’s safe from the dangers fire can bring. She writhes beneath me and moans the softest, sweetest sounds. I could easily rock onto her throbbing clit and get us both off. But I have to remind myself that I can’t push her too quickly. I can’t move us too fast. Only hours ago, she’d accused me of wanting her for sex; I don’t want to give her any reason to believe that claim was justified. No matter how much I wish to thrust into her and fuck her into my bed as if she’s always belonged to me.

My eyes travel along her now-flushed skin. Her nipples are hard, and the sight of her breasts makes me lick my lips. I can only imagine the sweet sounds she’d give me as I suck and nip her hardened peaks. Precum leaks from my dick, begging to be inside her. Her eyes are still closed and I doubt she’s aware of how she’s rocking herself against my leg. I lean down, ignoring my own needs by giving her clit more pressure that she’ll need to get off. I gently place my hands on her sides and massage up toward her breasts. As I reach the first, I keep my eyes on her face, watching for her reaction. Her breath comes in fast pants and her head rocks side to side, but she makes no signs that she even notices when I begin to knead her breast.

I take her breast in my hand, it’s the perfect fit, and squeeze gently. I allow it to slip out of my hand and gently tweak her nipple. I squeeze a little tighter, watching her expression. Her lips part in ecstasy and her back bows as I slowly pull on her. She gives me every sign I need to continue, but I want to remind her of her safe word. I need to know that she’s with me on this.

“Treasure?” I ask.

“Mmm.” Her own hands go to her breasts, and she begins kneading them and twisting her nipples. Perhaps she is still very much in the throes of her heat. I place my fingers over hers and squeeze them tight, pulling her nipples a little more than she was. A whimper of pleasure leaves her lips as her hardened peak slips from our grasp.

“What word do you need to say to make this stop?”

Her hands gently rub along her breasts and she keeps rocking into me as she whispers, “Red.” I smile, although she can’t see my reaction with her eyes closed.

“Good girl; and do you want me to kiss your breasts with fire?” I know she’s close to her release. I can see her desperation. This would do it. This would give her exactly what she needs.
