Page 77 of Beast: Part One

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Opening the door, I climb out of the front seat. Pharrell takes a step back. Even though I’ve been working with him for years, he’s still terrified of me.

“I need a car,” I demand, tossing the broken cellphone back into the car on the passenger seat.

There is no need to take the phone. Most likely it was a burner, and I won’t get any information from it. Nor will the benefactor use it again.

“Sure. I can have you a brand-new vehicle with no vin in about three days.”

“No, I need one now.” I take a step closer to him.

Pharrell takes two steps back before shouting, “Jay, give me your keys.”

“What? What do you need my keys for?”

“Man, give me your fucking keys.” Pharrell turns and shouts at him.

Jay tosses his keys to him. Pharrell then holds them out to me.

“Thanks. For your help, keep all the proceeds you make from the car.”

Pharrell nods. I rush out of the building and onto the gravel parking lot. The light rain that was only barely falling on my way over here is now pouring down in sheets. I don’t let it slow me down. Hitting the key fob to unlock the doors. The lights flash on a black SUV. I rush to the vehicle, with only one place in mind.

I may not be good enough for them. And they are better off without me, but right now, they need me.


I add another bead to the necklace I'm working on. Usually, making my jewelry helps ease my thoughts and settles my mind, but not tonight. A certain someone is stomping through my brain like Godzilla. I drop the necklace to the table and sigh.

“Why can’t I get him out of my mind?” I ask myself for the millionth time since meeting Gabriel.

Seeing him last night has not made it easier. Yes, Gabriel is absolutely gorgeous. He doesn’t have those supermodel looks like the brother I met that night. He’s a bit too rough around the edges for that. However, it isn’t his looks that has him traipsing through my mind 24/7.

No, it’s something about him. About the way he looks at me as if he’s seeing a part of me I don't even see myself. It’s the feeling I get when in his presence. As if I'm the safest I'll ever be when he is around me. That is why I can’t just forget him like I've been trying to do for five years.

You would think after all this and having him tell me to my face that he’s not interested in being in Gabe’s life would turn me off from this man.

A loud rumble of thunder claps across the sky and quickly following it is a flash of lightning that lights up the room for a brief second.

“Mommy,” Gabe’s voice grabs my attention.

He’s standing in the doorway, his Black Panther stuffy in one hand while rubbing his eyes with the other.

“Hey, baby. Can’t sleep?”

He shakes his head from side to side and stares at the ground.

“I have the perfect remedy for thunderstorms. Do you want to know what it is?”

This time he nods up and down.

“Hot cocoa and a movie.”

He lifts his head and looks at me with a big smile. My heart immediately melts.

“Come on,” I say, standing from my chair.

I walk over to him, and he grabs my hand, looking up at me with those hazel eyes. We walk hand and hand into the kitchen.

Gabe lets my hand go and takes a seat at the kitchen table. I go over to the stove to prepare our hot cocoa.
