Page 76 of Beast: Part One

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It’s already obvious that whoever this is, is smart and calculating. He also knew enough about me to know that I would go for the bait.

“Who is this?”

“Who I am doesn’t matter. Not yet anyway.”

I grit my teeth. “Then what matters?” My questions have to be precise. If I don’t ask simple direct questions, I have a feeling he will skate around the answers.

“What matters is you left a lot of breadcrumbs, Beastie. So many people remembered seeing you and her that night. That was very unlike you. I don’t think the Church would approve.”

“You work for the Church?”

He chuckles. “Don’t insult me, Beastie. You and I both know I don’t work for the Church.”

I grit my teeth at him once again able to read my thoughts. If he’d worked for the Church, he wouldn’t use a PI to find my family. I asked the question only to see how he would respond.

“I do have concerns about Summer’s safety,” the benefactor goes on to say.

“You have concerns about something that belongs to me?” I grit out. My hands tighten around the phone at my ear. The thought of Summer even crossing his mind has me wanting to split his fucking chest open.

“Having something that belongs to you left so vulnerable seems like a bad idea. I knew about the girl, but finding out there is also a child left out there seems sloppy. If the wrong person was to happen upon this information, it could be very bad.”

“Stay away from my family.”

He gives me another chuckle. “Relax, Beast. I don’t want your family. I’m not the bad guy.”

“Then who is?”

Twice he’s mentioned an unseen villain. I don’t believe this man is the type to waste words. There is truth buried in everything he says.

This time when he speaks there is no laughter in his voice. “Someone you are not ready to meet.”

The way his voice changes and the quietness after his statement tells me that not only does he fear this person, but he’s also angry with them. However, because he didn’t give me the name right away warns me there is still some loyalty there.

“If you aren’t the bad guy, then who are you?”

I need to know what his plans are with the information he has. Right now, he knows too much about my family.

“I haven’t decided yet if I’m a friend or foe,” his tone is back to the joking one from earlier.

“And if you decide to be my enemy?”

I had no worries about this man becoming my enemy. I only needed to know what his plans were for Summer and Gabe when I went after him.

“Your family is safe. I don’t involve women and children in my affairs.”

I don’t yet allow his words to bring me comfort. I didn’t trust anyone with any information on Summer and Gabe. I also don’t like the fact that the benefactor seems to guess my thought process.

“So, what do you want? Why were you looking for me?”

There is no way he would’ve found Summer if he wasn’t first searching for me. Whatever issues he has involves me. I’m assuming it has something to do with Church business because he made a point to mention them.

His laughter floats through the phone. “Now that, is the right question. Let me know when you figure it out.”

The line goes dead leaving me in silence.

I slam the cell phone against the steering wheel until pieces of it fly across the car.

“Aye, big man,” Pharrell, the guy that owns the chop shop, comes up to my window. “You good?”
