Page 58 of Beast: Part One

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“Watch me.” I continue to chase my nephew through the house.

I have no intentions of hitting MJ with this belt, but I do want to scare his ass from ever thinking he can put his hands on my son or anyone else’s child again.

MJ runs into the living room where his father is still lying on the couch. Mitchell jumps up when MJ runs in.

“What the hell is going on?” He yells.

“I’m going to teach your son some fucking manners.”

“She’s crazy,” Mother cries out behind me. “I think she’s on that stuff again.”

I ignore her accusations. She claims I’m using again every other day.

I dart around Mitchell to grab MJ, but he sprints away. Just then, my sister walks into the house. MJ runs to her, crying. He wraps his arms around her waist.

“Mommy, Aunt Summer is on drugs again. She’s trying to kill me.”

“I’m not trying to kill you, you little shit. I’m just going to whip your ass.” I grab for him once again. However, Raina blocks me by pushing MJ behind her.

“Don’t you even think about putting your hands on my son,” Raina shrieks.

“Your demon spawn put his hands on my child.”

I hear a scoff from behind me that I know to be Mitch’s. “Ain’t nobody hit your punk ass boy.”

I spin around on my heels and sock Mitch right in the face. I won’t acknowledge how bad my hand hurts.

“Fuck, Summer.” He grabs his nose.

“Call my baby a name again?” I challenge him.

Although I had no intentions of putting my hands on MJ, I had no qualms about punching his father.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Raina says, as she goes to her baby daddy’s side.

My stomach turns at the way she coddles him. No matter what Mitch does to her she will not let him go. Right before MJ was born, she was cornered and nearly jumped by his other two baby mothers. She lost her apartment because Mitch was causing too many problems. Yet, instead of sending him on his way, they both moved in with mom because he gave her a cheap ring and asked her to marry him. They have yet to make it down an aisle.

“She’s jealous,” Mitch argues in a nasal voice.

I guess I did more damage to his nose than I thought. He holds his head back pinching his nose.

Snorting, I shake my head. “Jealous, of what?”

“Of me,” Raina argues staring me down. “Everyone knows it. Mama even pointed it out.”

This is a new one for me. Even in the midst of my addiction, I’d never been jealous of my sister. I may have yearned for the relationship she had with my mother, but I was never jealous.

Looking around the room, I search for what exactly she had that I was supposed to be jealous of.

“Am I missing something?”

She sneers as she takes a step closer to me, making sure to keep her body between me and her son.

“You think you’re better than me because you have a fancy house and car? Who cares you went back to school. Everyone knows, once a druggy, always a druggy.”

I roll my eyes. “You know the drug jokes don’t hit like they used to. Find another insult.”

She narrows her eyes at me. I’m pretty sure she thought bringing up my old drug habit would get under my skin. After I got out of recovery, her and mother would always joke about me relapsing.
