Page 163 of Beast: Part One

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“Until you met your brothers?” I ask.

Lately he and I have been talking more about his childhood. Nothing about his time with his mother though. He only talks about his time at the Church.

“Yes. They found a way to bring me out of my shell.”

Looking over to my baby, I get this feeling of hopefulness. My desire is that Gabe will be able to find his people as well. I want him to be able to form a connection like his father did with his brothers. I had no doubt that Gabe would be able to live an independent life without me. However, I’ve always worried that he wouldn’t find his tribe. Being with Gabriel has proven there is hope for that as well.

“Hey, Summer,” my mother calls out drawing my attention. “I was hoping you could help me get this cake together in the kitchen.”

I frown, slightly. “Where’s Raina?”

Not that I didn’t want to help, but this isn’t my child’s birthday party.

Mother waves her hand through the air as she chuckles. “Too busy entertaining her guests.”

“Oh, okay. Sure.” I turn to Gabriel. “I’ll be right back.”

He nods his head before turning back to our son. I follow my mother into the house. The kitchen is empty when we walk in. Mother goes to the counter and pulls out a huge sheet cake.

“So, that’s your new friend?” She asks.

I go to the sink and wash my hands. “Not really. As I said, it’s Gabe’s father. We’re not really new.”

After drying my hands with a paper towel, I join her at the counter.

“Was he on drugs too?” She whispers even though we are in the kitchen alone.

I don’t take offense to her question, it’s a valid one.

“No. He wasn’t.”

She nods, before taking the top off the Fortnite inspired cake.

“He seems like a nice guy. Very protective over you two.”

I smile. “He is.” I answered both her questions. “Gabriel is the best.”

“A bit big though,” She chuckles. “You sure you can handle all that man?”

I don’t know how to feel right now. For so long I have craved this side of my mother. Having playful and joking conversations like this. However, I can’t help but think this is all lies. She’s only pretending to get what she wants.

I guess my silence may have tipped her off to my mood.

“Sorry,” she says. “I overstepped.”

Before I could reply, my sister walks in with two of her friends. They get quiet as soon as they enter and see me.

“Dang, Summer. Your baby daddy fine as hell, girl,” Lanique says.

Raina and Lanique have been friends just as long as Trina and I.

I laugh. “Thanks. I have to agree.”

Raina leans against the counter, propping up on her elbows. “I mean, I guess if that’s your thing. I prefer my men black.”

I roll my eyes at my sister’s attempt to bait me. I won’t fall for it.

“Love is love, Raina. It doesn’t matter the color of anyone’s skin,” mother says smiling over at me.
