Page 159 of Beast: Part One

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“Go back to your family, Priest. I still have much to do to protect mine.”

“Let me help you at least,” he pleads.

His eyes soften, I can see the love and worry shining back at me. I didn’t need my emotional rolodex to know that look. I’ve seen it many times from him.

“You can’t help me,” I sigh. “You should be home trying to protect your family.”

His brow arches. I knew he was too smart to look over what I’d just said.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

I made a deal with Albany that I wouldn’t tell her secret. The fact that Priest was here let me know she didn’t hold up her end of the deal. I wasn’t angry with her. She loved him. I imagine she didn’t like the idea of keeping things from him. However, a deal is a deal.

“Has she told you what she’s working on?”

He frowns. “The thing with the DOE?”

A slow smile spreads over my face. He was still so clueless and with so little time left.

“You’re running out of time. You better figure it out quick.” With that small tip, I turn and walk away. Before getting too far, I stop and turn to face him one last time. “Don’t come back here, Priest. When I am ready, you will meet them.”

I leave the man that I consider my father standing on the sidewalk. I meant what I said, when I was ready, he would meet Summer and his grandson. I wanted them to know my family, including my brothers. But it was still too soon. I wasn’t ready to share them yet.

After making sure Priest left, I make it back inside the house. Summer was still fast asleep in bed. I checked on Gabe before heading into the guest room for a shower.

I had plans to spend the rest of the night between Summer’s thighs.

Chapter Thirty-Seven



“Summer Elise Jones,” Dean Jackson calls my name and I walk across the stage.

“That’s my bestie,” Trina’s voice carries across the crowd. I can’t help but laugh at her.

Today is the day. A day I thought would never get here. A day that maybe wouldn’t have gotten here if not for the man that dicked me down so good in the shower this morning my legs hurt as I stroll across this stage.

After shaking the university president’s hand and grabbing my degree, I smile for a picture. Once done, I scan the crowd while making my way back to my seat. I smile as soon as my eyes land on Gabriel. He’s hard to miss.

His golden locks are hanging down today. He towers over most people here, but he stands out even more with Gabe on his shoulders. My son has his noise cancelling headphones over his ears. Places like this with loud noises and a lot of people sometimes overwhelm him. But he’s smiling right now as he waves at me over his father’s head.

I blow the two of them a kiss. Shay is on one side of Gabriel. She’s smiling proudly as if I’m her child. On the other side, Trina wipes her eyes as James tucks her into his side. The most important people in my life only take up five seats. But they are all I need.

When the ceremony is over, I rush out of the stadium to search for my family. I spot Gabriel first. He’s standing in the middle of the sidewalk, his arms folded over his chest. People are moving around him as if he’s a dark hole.

He watches me closely as I make my way over to him. I have tunnel vision as I hustle through the crowd. The moment I’m close to him he reaches his hand out to me and I take it. He pulls me into him, his body relaxing against mine.

I take in his intoxicating clean scent. His smell and the warmth of his arms bring me so much peace.

“Congratulations,” his deep voice says in my ear sending a shiver up my spine.

I gaze up into his beautiful eyes. “I think I prefer your congratulations from earlier this morning.”

Gabriel woke me up with his tongue buried so deep in my depths he probably could taste my cervix. As I came down from the high of my orgasm, he slid into me whispering congratulations.

A slow smile slinks across his face. Before he can speak again, I feel a tug on my black robes.
