Page 158 of Beast: Part One

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“Hospitality,” the person on the other end of the phone says.

“I have a leak.”

Forty-five minutes later, after ditching the stolen van and making sure it was clean, I walk up to the sidewalk near my home. All the lights are still out, which lets me know Summer is still asleep.

Knowing my family is tucked safely inside our home has my palms sweating and my body feeling flushed. I memorize the feeling—anticipation. I can’t wait to climb back in bed behind Summer. Like always, she will snuggle up to me seeking out my body heat. She doesn’t realize she searches for me in her sleep. Her hand undoubtedly goes out all throughout the night reaching for me. She wants me near her. Pride swells my chest.

I make my way around back, ready to call it a night, when something catches my attention. A black Charger is parked across the street. A charger I know too well.

“They’ve found you,” Mother warns. “They’ve come to take her away from you. They don’t think you deserve her.”

“She’s mine,” I growl.

“Not after she meets your brothers. They aren’t like you,” Mother cackles as she fades into the back of my mind.

Dropping my duffle, I walk around to the front of the house, just in time to see Priest step up on the sidewalk. He isn’t paying attention to me yet. He’s surveying the front of the house.

“No,” I say cutting him off in his tracks.

He turns to me, his gaze raking over me. I’d already ditched the hoodie I was wearing inside my duffle. Good thing I did, if he’d seen the blood on it he would’ve been alarmed.

“Beast, I’m here to help.”

“He’s not going to help. He’s going to take her away. You know this.”

“Priest wouldn’t do that,” I reply.

“You’re a fool.” Mother sneers. “He’s afraid of you. He doesn’t think you can take care of your family. He wants the girl for himself.”

At her words, my hands fist at my side. The urge to kill Priest, rears up in me so strong I can envision my hands wrapped around his throat.

“Wrangle that shit in, Kid.” The Priest voice in my head says. “That bitch is blowing smoke. She’s still in your head from that kill. Block her out.”

I noticed I’ve just been standing here staring silently at Priest. The man that raised me and took care of me. The man that is more of a father to me than the one that dropped his nut off in my mother. I know this man.

His voice in my head is right. Although Priest would want to take control of the situation, he wouldn’t take Summer away from me.

“Let me talk to your girl.” He takes a step toward the house, and I take one with him remaining in his path.

“Go home, Priest.” I say.

I could never hurt Priest, but I can’t deal with him right now. His voice is right, mother is still in my head after that kill. She’s too loud.

“I’m not loud, I’m right. And you know it.”

I ignore her words. I need distance between me and Priest. I turn to leave.

“I’m here to help,” he shouts.

I spin around quickly snarling my teeth. The fear in his eyes only calms me a little. I wrangle my anger back. Remembering who he is.

“I don’t need your help,” I finally say through clenched teeth.

“Then what about the bodies? What about Humpty Dumpty? You were asking for help.”

“He thinks you’re stupid. He thinks you can’t keep them safe.” Mother says. “Kill him. Scatter his brains across this concrete.”

Taking a deep breath I fight against my mother’s voice.
