Page 122 of Beast: Part One

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“I’m not on birth control.”

He smirks before grabbing my left leg and pushing my knee up to my chest. He lines himself up. I take a deep breath preparing for the stretch my pussy is about to make to accept him back into my walls.

Right as he’s about to shove forward, a screeching voice pierces the air.

“Summer, we’re back,”

Gabriel glances over his shoulder toward the open door. I have a mini panic attack.

“Shit, it’s Sunday.” I try to scoot back, but his hand on my thigh keeps me from moving.

When he turns back to me, he stares down at the place where we are almost joined. I can read the hesitation on his face. He’s determining if he should continue or not.

I swear, in any other situation I would have told him to keep going. However, I have to keep my child in mind.

“I know what you’re thinking, but your son is down there and unless you want to have the “why is daddy on top of mommy naked talk’, I advise you to get up.”

He narrows his eyes, but thankfully he gets up. I quickly scramble off the bed and find my silk robe before rushing downstairs. My feet hit the bottom step right as Trina was making her way toward the stairs.

“Hey,” I say overly loud.

Gabe runs up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. His hugs are rare, and I make sure to enjoy every single one he gives me.

“Auntie Trina and Uncle James took me to see fish,” he announces happily.

“We actually took him to a sushi place. However, he was uninterested in everything but the fish tank. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth,” she whispers the last part to me.

“Can I go outside before we go to story time,” he asks. I nod my head.

Gabe, who has always loved playing outside, has become more obsessed with our backyard. When Gabriel went missing those three days, Gabe practically lived out there in hopes his father would show up like he did before.

As soon as Gabe is out of sight, I grab Trina’s arm and pull her into the kitchen.

“I need a raincheck.”

Trina steps back and looks me over. Her eyes are studying my face, my hair, and my robe. She does it so thoroughly, I have to wonder did I miss something. Did I somehow get cum on my face even though he didn’t orgasm.

“Biiittccchh,” Trina says with a smirk.

“What?” I ask patting at my braids. I cringe at the frizziness of my roots.

“Don’t try to act all innocent with me. I know that look.” She points a finger at me. “Your face is flushed, your skin is glowing, and you’re smiling from ear to ear. You got dick,” she shouts happily.

I wave my hands in her face, glancing back over my shoulder toward the stairs.

“Will you keep your voice down.”

“He’s still here?” she squeals. Suddenly her face falls. “Heifer, you let my godson hug you with sex fluids all over your body.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Will you focus.”

She smiles again and shakes her head. “My girl finally dusted the cobwebs off that coochie and used it for something other than a toy factory.” She pokes out her bottom lip. “You’re growing up.”

I roll my eyes at her.

“First of all, there were no cobwebs on this cat. And second, I would’ve gotten dick if my best friend hadn’t interrupted.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh shit, do you want me to take Gabe on a walk or something? I can keep him outside for a few minutes while you finish getting your back blown out.”
