Page 27 of Colt's Salvation

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“Don’t.” Milo curled his hand around Colt’s wrist. “It’s just us right now. No regret and no guilt.”

With a clenched jaw and a nod, Colt moved backward and slid Milo’s pants off, groaning as Milo’s cock sprang free, slapping his stomach.

That growl that Milo loved rumbled through Colt’s chest. The guy grabbed the lube before he slid to his stomach. Colt gripped the back of Milo’s thighs, lifting them as he trailed his tongue over Milo’s balls.

“Colt,” he groaned, tilting his head back and curling his fingers into the bedding. He gasped when his lover’s tongue trailed underneath his balls then circled around his hole.

Not his lover. His mate.

Colt’s tongue was warm and soft, contrasting with the roughness of his beard. Milo trembled as his mate explored him, the sensation incredible.

He heard the lube being opened, and then the coolness of it dripped down his crack. Then Colt’s finger was there, pushing inside him, filling him up. Milo’s breath hitched as his mate added a second finger, making his body tense for a moment before relaxing. Then Colt took Milo’s cock between his lips, sucking gently, his tongue swirling around the tip. Milo bucked his hips, a low moan escaping as a third finger was added.

His heart raced as he felt Colt’s fingers curl inside him, hitting that spot that made Milo’s toes curl. He gripped the bed sheets tighter, his breath coming in short gasps. Colt’s mouth moved up and down Milo’s shaft, his fingers working in the same rhythm.

This was so much better than any fantasy Milo could have conjured in his mind. The guy knew what he was doing, making Milo’s body come alive.

Milo’s breathing became erratic as Colt increased his pace. The sensation built inside Milo, and he could feel his orgasm approaching, his body tensing as he grew closer.

“Colt,” Milo whimpered. “I’m going to come.”

A low growl vibrated in Colt’s throat, sending shivers through Milo. His mate sucked harder, his fingers curling again, hitting that sweet spot repeatedly. Milo’s body tensed, every muscle straining as he came hard, his release filling Colt’s mouth.

Colt swallowed, not missing a beat as he continued to suck and finger Milo through his orgasm.

Lying there, Milo panted, his body limp as Colt slowly pulled his fingers out. His mate crawled upward, his body covering Milo’s as he kissed Milo’s shoulder, his neck, and then his lips.

“I’m not done with you, shorty.” Positioning himself between Milo’s legs, Colt pressed the head of his cock against Milo’s still-pulsing entrance. He pushed in slowly, giving Milo time to adjust to his size. Milo felt a brief sting as Colt filled him completely, but it was quickly replaced by pleasure.

Milo wrapped his legs around Colt’s waist as the guy started to move, pulling out slowly before pushing back in.

Each thrust of Colt’s hips sent a jolt of pleasure through Milo’s body. He tightened his legs around his mate, meeting each thrust with one of his own. The feeling of Colt making love to him was indescribable. Milo wished he could freeze this moment in time so it would last for hours. Sex normally didn’t blow him away. In the past, Milo could take it or leave it, but it was as if Colt was made of pure ecstasy, his moves so hypnotic and sensual that Milo would never see sex the same way again.

Milo arched his back as he closed his eyes. The sensations were like a high, and he was helplessly drowning while Colt drove his cock deeper inside his body.

Dropping to his hands, Colt devoured Milo’s mouth, their tongues dancing together as his mate increased the tempo of his thrusts. “My mate,” he whispered against Milo’s lip as if he revered those two words.

My mate. Milo loved hearing Colt call him that. It was as if he was staking his claim, and Milo was desperate to belong to his wolf. He opened his eyes and found dark green liquid pools staring down at him. Milo wanted to know what Colt was thinking, what was going through his mate’s mind as he punched his hips forward.

Was the depth of Colt’s feelings just as strong as Milo’s were? In that moment he realized that Colt had already stolen his heart. Another orgasm built inside him, feeling more intense than the last one.

“Colt, I’m going to come again,” Milo wailed.

His mate growled before he sank his sharp canines into the soft skin of Milo’s shoulder. There was a brief second of pain before Milo hurtled over the edge of the abyss. Pleasure detonated outward as he cried out Colt’s name, his cum painting their abs.

Something deep inside Milo’s core ricocheted, though he had no idea what it was. His heart squeezed for a moment, and he could have sworn it stopped beating before starting again. The intense ricocheting settled into a low hum then slowly faded away.

Colt’s snarl rumbled deep in his chest as he buried his cock, his orgasm pulsing inside Milo’s body. He released Milo’s shoulder, and then he licked at the wound. Colt cupped Milo’s jaw, his eyes deep with emotion. He kissed Milo slow and deep as he eased his cock out of him.

Milo felt empty without Colt inside him, but the feeling was short-lived when he pulled Milo’s back to his chest and held him close.

“I felt something deep inside of me, Colt,” Milo said. “A strange sensation that I can’t explain.”

“That was our bond sealing.” Colt pushed his nose and mouth gently into Milo’s neck. “Our souls are tied together now.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that you belong to me, Milo. Just like I belong to you.” Colt tightened his arms around Milo. “It means I’ll destroy anyone who thinks to harm you.”
