Page 26 of Colt's Salvation

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Milo had still lived at home because he couldn’t afford to get a place of his own. When she passed, he’d been forced to ask his uncle if he could move in—an uncle through a brief marriage his mother had had when Milo was twenty. He and Eric weren’t blood relatives.

And his life had been hell from that moment on.

Stirring behind him brought Milo out of his thoughts. Then a strong arm slid over his side before he was gently pulled back into a firm wall.

Milo sank into the heat, feeling safe with someone for the first time in three years. Knowing what Colt was and seeing the destruction of his bedroom should have given Milo pause. What did he really know about the guy? They’d texted Sunday evening and Monday morning, but the texts hadn’t had any substance to them. Nothing that had given Milo any insight into who Colt really was.

It was obvious the guy had money, something that didn’t matter to Milo. He would’ve still been attracted to Colt even if the guy had lived in a rental and worked a nine-to-five job.

Colt had a wicked sense of humor, something Milo’s two previous boyfriends lacked. He really liked that Colt’s humor matched his own. Milo smiled as he remembered breakfast, still struggling to think of a way to make scrambled eggs sound obscene.

But there was a darker side to Colt that scared him. Although the guy had explained why he’d destroyed his bedroom—a point Milo understood—it was still unsettling that Colt was powerful enough to reduce a sturdy dresser to kindling.

If that kind of strength was ever directed toward him…

In his opinion, the most important thing about Colt was the fact that he wasn’t human. Before discovering that the guy was a wolf, Milo hadn’t believed in fate or destiny, or even karma, for that matter. He just couldn’t get behind the notion that some unseen, cosmic force guided people toward things.

As hard as he tried to convince himself that meeting Colt wasn’t fate, he couldn’t. Milo had loved wolves since he was six. Not in an obsessive way. He’d just found them fascinating, their howls haunting.

What were the odds that he would meet someone who could become one? The chances should have been zero because what Colt was shouldn’t even be possible.

Yet, it was, and as insane as it should be, Milo couldn’t deny how Colt made him feel or how drawn he was to the guy. Colt had said they were mates, and since the guy wasn’t even human, Milo believed him.

He was pulled from his thoughts once again when Colt’s hand slid over his stomach in a lazy downward descent, making Milo’s heart beat a little faster. Colt’s hand stopped at the waistband of Milo’s borrowed jogging pants, the tips of his fingers resting under the fabric.

Was Colt doing that in his sleep, or was he awake?

The guy’s breathing was even, but his hard cock was pressed firmly against Milo’s ass, causing Milo’s body to pulse as need filled him.

His own cock hardened, and Milo lay there wishing Colt’s hand would slide even lower. Unable to stop himself, he pressed his ass, just a little, into Colt’s erection.

Milo was so aroused that he was tempted to “accidently” elbow Colt to wake him. Having the guy’s hand so close to his cock and Colt’s erection against his ass was pure torture, especially when nothing was happening.

Screw subtly. This time Milo pushed his ass harder against the guy’s groin and felt Colt’s hard cock press firmly between his ass cheeks.

With a soft growl, Colt flipped Milo to his back and poised over him, his hands on either side of Milo’s head, his dark green eyes heavy-lidded. Milo gasped as he stared up at the guy, the pulse of need inside of him deepening.

The only thing Colt was wearing was a pair of boxer briefs, the hard outline of his erection visible through the thin fabric.

“Don’t look so surprised.” Colt nuzzled Milo, nipping his skin. “You can’t grind your sweet ass against my hard dick and expect me not to react.”

“I was just stretching.” Milo tilted his head to the side, his breath catching as Colt licked and nipped a path across his neck.

He felt Colt smile against his skin. “Then I guess I should go back to sleep since I misunderstood what you were doing.” He teased Milo’s earlobe between his teeth, his voice husky. “I thought you wanted my cock buried inside of you.”

There wasn’t a chance in hell that he was letting Colt go back to sleep. Milo curled his arms and legs around the guy and yanked him down.

Colt chuckled and lowered himself a little more but still kept his weight off of him. “Are you stretching again. or should I assume you want me?”

Milo gripped Colt’s nape then drew him closer, their lips inches apart. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since the night we met.”

“Since the moment I saw you.” Colt took possession of Milo’s mouth, chasing away the last remnants of sadness from his memories.

Tingles erupted through Milo as Colt plunged his tongue inside his mouth. Despite what Eric had done to him, Milo loved feeling trapped under Colt, loved having such a strong body surrounding him in such a sensual way.

As the last of the sun faded, leaving only a dim light from the bathroom to cast a glow, Colt broke away from Milo’s lips long enough to turn on the lamp that was resting on the nightstand. How that piece of furniture had survived was a mystery.

Colt grabbed something from the top drawer and set it aside. When Milo looked, he smiled at the clear half-filled bottle of lube next to the pillow. Colt pushed to his knees, and Milo lifted his arms, quivering as Colt helped him out of his shirt. Milo’s nipples hardened with anticipation. Colt brushed his fingers over Milo’s bruising, his eyes filling with something akin to regret. “I should have been there to protect you.”
