Page 14 of Colt's Salvation

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Since Milo had no idea how much time he had, he forced himself to move a little faster, though he paid for it with deep pulses in his body. What he really needed was a shower, but he didn’t think he could stand that long under the spray. He also didn’t want to stick around any longer than he had to in case his uncle returned. Milo’s back was killing him as he pulled his clothes off and grabbed fresh ones from the drawer.

As fast as he was able to bend his painful limbs, Milo dressed. He grabbed his phone that he’d set aside, as well as his wallet and shoes, and then headed to the porch. Once outside, Milo eased into a sitting position on the steps and whimpered as he slid his sneakers on and tied them.

It took over a minute to get back up. His body ached with every move as he climbed down the steps and walked a few feet away. Five minutes later headlights appeared on the road ahead. Milo’s breath seized as he worried it was Eric, but when the vehicle turned down his driveway and grew closer, the familiar noise of his uncle’s pickup was absent.

The orange Range Rover stopped next to Milo. He moved faster than his body appreciated as he headed for the passenger door. Getting in was tricky. Pain flared all over him as he eased into the seat and closed the door.

Colt didn’t ask where Milo wanted to go. He simply turned around and headed down the dirt driveway. Less than a mile after they’d turned onto the main road, Eric’s truck rambled by in the opposite direction.

His uncle was unaware that he’d just passed Milo.

Milo looked out his window, his heart racing at how close that had been. If Colt had taken a few minutes longer getting there…

As Milo’s heart slowly returned to normal, the sound of music reached his ears. The volume was low, but he could make out the soft sound of jazz. He never would have pegged Colt as a jazz listener.

Neither of them spoke. It was as if they were lost in their own thoughts. A few minutes later, the truck made a right turn. Milo glanced around as they drove through a small, empty parking lot that looked to have six parking spaces. Colt eased the Range Rover into the last one, which was closest to a picnic table, a lone grill, and the forest that surrounded them. On the other side of the lot, opposite the table and grill, was a trash can chained to a thick wooden pole and a single blue Porta Potty.

“I figured we could enjoy some fresh air and star up at the stars while we sit at the picnic table.” Colt rolled the windows down. “If it doesn’t bother you, I’ll play some music as we talk.”

“It won’t bother me.” Milo opened his door, turned sideways, and then winced as he got out. He was trying his damnedest to hide his stiff movements as he forced himself to walk normally to the table instead of shuffling his way there. He didn’t want Colt to know he was in pain because he didn’t want to talk about what happened to him.

Colt sat on the tabletop, his feet resting on the bench. Milo eased onto the bench next to the guy’s long legs. “Thanks for hanging out with me, especially since it’s so late.”

“I couldn’t sleep.” Colt’s voice seemed even deeper among the dense trees surrounding them. “I was feeling restless, and your request gave me the perfect reason to get out.” His leg tapped Milo’s shoulder, making it ache even more than it already was. “Is this secluded enough for you to scream until your voice is raw?”

If Milo wasn’t hurting so badly, he might have screamed his head off to relieve some of the despair inside of him. Instead, he gave a nervous laugh. “I wouldn’t want to disturb the animals trying to sleep.”

“Most are nocturnal.” Colt slipped from the table and dusted off his backside. Then he turned and took Milo’s hand, pulling him from the bench and a few steps from where they’d been seated.

“No!” Milo cried out as pain radiated down his arm and across his upper torso. Colt hadn’t pulled hard, but the sudden movement was too much. The guy immediately dropped Milo’s hand. Milo clenched his teeth and breathed out slowly, praying the agony eased as tears welled up in his eyes.

Slowly, Milo shuffled backward and eased onto the bench, hoping he didn’t miss and fall on his ass.

Brows furrowed, Colt crouched down in front of Milo. His voice was soft as he asked, “Are you hurt, sweetheart?”

“I had an accident at work.” The lie tasted bitter on his tongue, but he hoped Colt bought it and let the subject drop.

Without asking permission, Colt gently lifted Milo’s shirt. Since he hadn’t examined himself in the mirror to see the extent of the damage, he had no idea what Colt saw. The rage that erupted in his green eyes said it all.

“How exactly did you hurt yourself?” Colt’s furious gaze was still locked onto Milo’s chest.

“I didn’t say you could look.” Milo snatched his shirt free and shoved it down, mortified that Colt had seen what Eric had done to him.

A growl vibrated in Colt’s throat, the same sound he’d made at the reception, only this time it wasn’t soft and sensual. It held a hard edge to it.

He tucked his fingers under Milo’s chin and turned his head until they were staring at each other. When Colt spoke, his tone was calm, despite the fire still blazing in his eyes. “Can you please tell me what really happened?”

Milo lowered his gaze. “It doesn’t matter, Colt. It never matters.”

Chapter Five

It mattered a hell of a lot to Colt. This wasn’t an accident. Someone had beat his mate and left behind dark purple bruises over his stomach and chest. Colt wanted to know the name of the person he was going to kill.

“Is this why you stopped texting me and didn’t show up for lunch?” He sat on the bench next to Milo, resting his elbows on his knees, chin resting on his hands as he stared at his mate.

It had to have been done sometime after Colt and Milo texted yesterday morning. His mate had seemed fine, saying he had to get ready for work. That was the last time Colt had heard from him until Milo had reached out tonight.

His wolf was going crazy, ready to break free and hunt. But Colt had to force an outward calm so Milo had a sense of safety. Colt knew how important it was to feel safe after something like this happened. Whenever he had been beaten, it had been Jared who’d consoled him. It had been his cousin who’d held him when he shifted to heal. For days afterward, Kellen had disappeared, and when he returned, he’d sat in a corner of their room by himself, unable to look at Colt.
