Page 13 of Colt's Salvation

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This was not how Milo had wanted to spend his day off. Thank god he didn’t have to work tomorrow, either. It had killed him to miss his lunch date with Colt, but there was no way Milo would have been able to walk to town.

After Eric had beaten him, Milo had shut off his phone to stop himself from texting Colt. There wasn’t anything the guy could do about Milo’s situation, and who would want to deal with that kind of vicious drama?

Milo didn’t want Colt to know about his home life, telling himself that it would be better if they cut ties, but his chest ached so badly to talk to Colt. It wasn’t the beating that made his chest hurt, either. It was a longing deep inside of him just to hear Colt’s voice.

Wincing, Milo grabbed his phone off his nightstand and turned it back on, seeing that it was nearly midnight. Then his phone dinged several times to alert him that he had messages. Bracing himself—because Colt had probably told him to piss off for standing him up—Milo read the messages.

The first one was Colt asking how his work day had gone. Two hours later, he’d texted Milo to ask if everything was okay because he hadn’t gotten a response.

Everything had been far from okay. The timestamp on the message said Colt had sent it right while Milo lay on the living room floor, wondering if he was going to die from what Eric had done to him. Milo only recalled the time because he’d stared at the living room clock on the wall as he lay there waiting to see if Eric was done beating him.

When his uncle stormed out of the house, Milo finally crawled to his room.

The last message was this morning, Colt apologizing if he’d said anything that might have made Milo uncomfortable.

Fuck. Milo closed his eyes. Colt thought he’d done something wrong. Milo couldn’t allow him to think that, even though this would be the perfect time to never contact Colt again. That would be the best thing, but Milo wanted to reach out to him so badly that tears burned behind his eyes. How could he miss someone this much when they’d only met a few days ago? That made absolutely no sense to him.

But if he was going to contact Colt, what reason could he give for standing the guy up? He’d already lied to Colt once—about getting a ride home from a coworker—and it had felt so wrong doing it. Milo didn’t want to lie again, but he also couldn’t tell the truth.

Unsure where his uncle was, Milo decided to text Colt instead of calling him. But simply texting the word “hi” felt too callus and indifferent.

The phone felt like a weight in his hand as he sat there trying to think of what to say. Milo turned it over, staring at the wolf on the back, and in that moment, he shared the majestic beast’s pain.

Taking a deep breath and wiping away his tears, Milo began to text.

It wasn’t my intention to stand you up. I was looking forward to spending time with you, but I had to deal with family matters.

He would know where he stood if Colt didn’t reply. The minutes ticked by, feeling more like hours as he waited. Milo pictured Colt’s handsome face, how his dark green eyes sparkled when he smiled or how they’d smoldered at the reception when Milo had touched Colt’s face.

When he closed his eyes, he could hear the deep timbre in Colt’s voice asking Milo to come home with him. Instead of letting Dan ruin his night, Milo should have said yes.

A ding echoed in the room. Milo opened his eyes, his hand shaking as he hovered his finger over the message icon. Whatever the reply, Milo would never regret meeting Colt.

Just tell me you’re okay.

The concern wretched a sob from Milo. He felt isolated and alone, a single text the only lifeline in the despair surrounding him. It always felt like no one cared, as if his silent screams went unheard. Not since his mother died had Milo felt safe and loved. His former boyfriends hadn’t made him feel whole, but somehow, Colt did.

Colt was the first person who’d asked if he was okay and the first person who seemed to genuinely care. Milo swallowed roughly as he replied, Have you ever felt like screaming until your voice is raw?

Colt’s reply was instant. All my life, shorty. Sometimes it feels like the pain is eating away at your soul.

With a hiss from moving his body, Milo lay down on his pillow then turned onto his side, holding his phone close to his face as he sent Colt another text. Like no one really sees you. Like you’re invisible to the world.

Milo turned slightly when the ache became too much.

I see you, Milo. From the moment my gaze found yours, I’ve seen you.

Easing off his bed, Milo shuffled to his window and separated the blind slats. His uncle’s truck was gone. Milo prayed Eric was out chasing tail and wouldn’t return for a while.

He looked down at his phone and texted Colt. Do you want to hang out now? I get it if you don’t. I just really want to get out of the house.

Once again Colt’s reply was instant. Give me your address and I’ll be there.

Should he do that? What if Eric returned before Colt showed up? Milo wasn’t sure if his uncle was still pissed, and he didn’t want the guy to cause a scene when Colt pulled into the driveway.

Sending up a prayer, he gave Colt his address.

I’m on my way.
