Page 65 of Royal Twist

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“Do you think they ever imagined tourists would walk through here thousands of years later?” Daphne wondered aloud, her voice echoing slightly off the stone.

“Probably not,” I replied, gazing up at the looming stone structures. “I think they built these as gateways to immortality, more like sacred places, not attractions.”

We wound our way through another long passage, then came to another opening with a set of stairs.

“Okay, looks like it’s time to go up,” Daphne said.

We began the climb, and the further we ventured up, the more ominous the silence grew, broken only by the distant echoes of other voices. Passing the locked gate of the queen’s chamber, we continued the ascent.

“It’s a good thing I’m not claustrophobic,” Daphne said as we finally reached the top of the grand gallery, a little out of breath.

We admired the notched walls and ceilings, then ducked into the final limestone passage that opened up into a larger room, the King’s Chamber. The chamber was stark, except for a large granite sarcophagus, which was believed to have held the remains of King Khufu before the pyramid was looted. Dim lights cast long shadows, giving the room an eerie, timeless feel.

“So, this is the king’s chamber?” Daphne said, spinning around slowly to study every part.

“August, I had no idea you had a room here,” Caleb joked.

“I’m not king yet.” I chuckled, looking around the empty chamber. “It’s a bit more minimalist than I prefer, but it’s good to know I’ve got options if the palace renovations go sideways.”

Veronica glanced around and nodded, her eyes wide with fascination. “This was the most sacred place in Egypt.”

“I think, for many, it still is,” I said.

We spent about an hour inside while Veronica read fascinating facts from the tour brochure. Finally, we made the long descent out of the pyramid, the bright Egyptian sun forcing us to shield our eyes for a moment.

“What now?” Daphne said, looking around.

“I would really love to see the Great Sphinx,” I said.

“Lead the way, oh great explorer,” Daphne said with a grin, gesturing grandly towards the path we needed to take.

The Great Sphinx of Giza was another sight to behold, about as tall as a six-story building and almost as long as a football field. Carved from a single block of limestone, the immense statue sat with a majestic presence, its lion’s body stretched out along the sand, and its human head gazing eternally toward the east. Over the centuries, the Sphinx has suffered considerable wear from erosion and humans. Despite the damage, including the missing nose and beard, it was absolutely breathtaking and awe-inspiring.

We wandered around the elevated platform that provided a close-up view of the Sphinx, marveling at the imposing statue. Powerful gusts of wind continued to whip up the sands around us as we stopped to take photos, our conversation drifting back to the rich history of Egypt.

“Careful there, it’s slippery from the sand,” I cautioned Veronica as she moved closer to the edge of the deep ditch that surrounded the Sphinx like a waterless moat.

“I’m good,” she assured me, capturing the moment with her camera before turning to share a warm smile with me.

Seizing the moment, I reached for her phone.

“Let’s get a selfie, for old times’ sake,” I suggested, stepping in close beside her for the shot. “Got it. That was a good one.” I grinned, handing back her phone.

Veronica seemed to be deep in thought again.

“How are you doing?” I asked softly, hoping to tread lightly around her feelings and not make her feel like I was pressuring her to open up if she wasn’t ready.

“I’m okay,” she responded, her voice carrying a hint of something unsaid. She looked up, seemingly about to delve into a deeper conversation with me. “About last night …”

It looked like I was finally going to find out her feelings and where our relationship stood. But just as she opened her mouth to speak, a sudden interruption—a child’s shrill scream—cut through our quiet moment. A young boy, attempting to dash between us, collided with Veronica instead. Her footing slipped on the sandy surface, and she teetered dangerously close to the edge.

Adrenaline surged through me as I instinctively lunged in her direction to grab her, then yank her to safety. Yet, the force of my action had its consequences. In my bid to spin her around to steady her, I lost my balance just as a gust of wind hit me hard.

Veronica’s eyes flared with panic, her hand shooting out towards me as my foot skidded on the loose gravel. My arms windmilled in a desperate attempt to regain my balance. A visceral sense of vertigo seized me as the ground seemed to drop away. The final image burned into my mind was Veronica's horrified expression, a silent scream etched across her face, as I fell downward into the ditch and the world went black.

Chapter Eighteen

Princess Veronica
