Page 64 of Royal Twist

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“We have just enough time to eat something before the tour to the pyramids,” Veronica mentioned.

We wrapped up lunch quickly and headed back to the hotel to gather some essentials for the afternoon, including sunscreen since there was no shade where we were going. Within the hour, we were pulling up to the pyramids of Giza.

As we stepped out of the shuttle, the imposing sight of the pyramids struck us immediately—massive, ancient structures rising starkly against the clear blue sky. The sun blazed down, illuminating the golden sands that stretched endlessly around us. Each pyramid cast long, sharp shadows that sliced across the desert floor, adding to their enigmatic allure. The air was dry and carried a faint scent of dust and ancient stone. Nearby, the distinctive grunts and soft, shuffling footsteps of camels blended with the low chatter of tourists and vendors.

“It’s inconceivable that the pyramids were made with no machines,” Caleb said as we walked around the base of the Great Pyramid, his eyes wide. “Just pure manpower. Thousands of workers hauling these massive stones into place.”

Daphne, snapping photos with her phone, chuckled. “Some people say it was the aliens, you know, not humans. Same with Machu Picchu in Peru.”

“And you believe that?” I asked.

Daphne grinned. “No.”

“I’m sticking with human ingenuity,” Veronica interjected, her tone light but filled with respect for the ancient builders. “It’s amazing what people can achieve when they put their minds to it.”

As we continued walking outside in the heat, the excitement of being this close to one of the world’s oldest wonders kept our spirits high.

“Imagine being a pharaoh and deciding one day, ‘Yeah, let’s build a pyramid!’” I mused.

Caleb laughed. “I can barely decide what socks to wear in the morning.”

Veronica laughed, then pointed to the entrance, a dark and looming gap in the smooth stone. “Ready to explore the inside?”

“Lead the way,” I said, offering a bow.

We gave the employee our tickets, passed through security and the metal detectors, then entered the inside of the Great Pyramid. It was cooler than outside, a welcome respite from the sun. After another employee warned us again to not take photos, we made our way through the rough passage that was narrow, dimly lit, and sloping gently downward.

“It gets more impressive further in,” a British voice chimed in as he came toward us going in the other direction.

“Any tips?” Caleb responded.

“Take your time and keep going until you reach the King’s Chamber at the top. You don’t want to miss it,” the man advised with a knowing smile before passing by us.

“Thank you,” I said with a nod.

Navigating the dimly lit passageway, Daphne and Caleb took the lead, their voices echoing softly ahead of us. The path twisted unexpectedly, a natural labyrinth within the ancient structure, giving the impression of a subterranean cave. Abruptly, it spilled into a spacious chamber, the ground beneath our feet uneven and strewn with age-worn stones that added an element of adventure to each step we took.

Caleb reached out for Daphne’s hand with a cautious, “Careful.”

“My, what a gentleman,” she teased, taking his hand with a playful roll of her eyes, but still holding onto it even after the ground leveled out.

I reached out to Veronica as well. “Watch your step,” I said, my hand finding hers.

She smiled, a brief but genuine expression, and squeezed my hand as she steadied herself. “Thank you.”

Noticing the prolonged contact between Caleb and Daphne, I leaned towards Veronica when we stopped to let a couple walk past us in the opposite direction.

“Holding hands?” I whispered. “This is progress.”

Veronica watched them for a moment. “When Daphne decides on something, she really goes for it. And from the looks of it, she’s decided on Caleb.”

“I think they make a great couple, but are you okay with it?” I asked.

She nodded and whispered back, “They complement each other well. I couldn’t be happier.”

I was happy for them as well. I agreed with Veronica. Their compatibility was as clear as the sky outside. Caleb and Daphne seemed to move in sync, a silent rhythm between them that spoke of growing closeness.

Now, if someone would just sprinkle some of that magical romance dust in Veronica’s direction, I’d be one ecstatic prince.
