Page 54 of Play Dead

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Ashley broke into a broad smile. “Great. Should I leave now?”

“I don’t think today’s the day,” I said, although the fact that I hadn’t seen or heard from Matilda today was unsettling.

“Still,” Ashley said. “They could surprise us. That’s what pirates do, isn’t it? Sneak up on unsuspecting ships and take over?”

Phaedra sighed. “That’s a good point. You should probably leave now, before sundown.”

Ashley practically knocked her chair over in her effort to escape. “Tell Nana I miss her, and I’ll come see her soon.” Ashley blew me a kiss and hurried from the house.

I frowned at Phaedra. “You don’t really think…?”

“Of course not, but she seemed so excited, like it’s a school snow day. How could I disappoint her?”

I laughed. “You’re a good witch, Phaedra Bridger.”

“I wish I were good enough to stop the hunt. The mere idea of them is terrifying.”

“I’m working on a multi-step plan, if that helps.”

Her lips formed a thin line. “Considering your plan involved me, I can’t say I’m filled with confidence.”

“Any chance the Bridger library has information about the Wild Hunt?” Just because Matilda was a former party member didn’t mean she knew everything that had been written about it. There might be information that could help us.

“I’ll take a look, but I don’t recall anything offhand.”

I sipped my tea. “There’s more.”

Phaedra’s lips grew thin. “I’d be disappointed if there wasn’t.”

“There’s a white stag in the forest.”

“Really?” Her expression grew wistful. “I’d love to see a white hart.”

“He’s gorgeous,” I admitted. “But if Vortigern finds out it’s here, he’ll rip up every tree by the root to find it.” Then again, based on the photos, he’d probably do that anyway.

“The stag isn’t the reason he’s coming?”

“No.” I left it at that.

Phaedra’s eyebrows drew together. “Isn’t the white stag supposed to have legendary powers?”

I nodded.

“And I’m guessing we don’t want this master huntsman to increase his power.”

“We do not.”

“How can I help?”

“We’re thinking if we can locate the stag and herd it to another realm before the Wild Hunt arrives, that will eliminate one problem.”

“But if the stag isn’t the reason they’re coming, that won’t stop them.”

“Unfortunately not. That’s a separate issue.”

“Now I understand the reason for a multi-step plan.” Phaedra gazed into her teacup. “I wish I could help you find it, but my magic isn’t the answer. The white stag has lived to be an ancient mystical creature because it’s very good at avoiding capture.” Her chin lifted. “If it was as simple as a locator spell, every hunter in search of greater power would have a witch or wizard on the payroll.”

“That’s what I assumed, but I figured the question was worth asking.”
