Page 53 of Play Dead

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“Like the creature that your family used to try to kill me,” Ashley said matter-of-factly.

“Exactly. The crossroads acts as a doorway,” I said. “And we’re about to receive a visit through that doorway from a group known as the Wild Hunt.”

I heard Phaedra’s sharp intake of breath beside me. “They’re coming here?”

I nodded. “That’s the reason I’m here. First, I want to know if there’s anything we can do to prevent them coming through the crossroads.” Although I knew it was a long shot, I had to try.

Phaedra burst into laughter. “I’m flattered, but how powerful do you think I am? My entire coven couldn’t have managed such a feat.”

Ashley observed me through a curtain of thick mascaraed lashes. “Are they a problem? We get hunters in the woods all the time.”

“If you knew what the Wild Hunt was, you’d understand,” I told her.

Ashley smiled. “Sounds like a party to me.”

Phaedra fixed her with a steely gaze. “Trust me. You wouldn’t feel that way if you crossed paths with them. There’s nothing fun about the Wild Hunt unless you’re one of the hunters.”

Ashley examined her fingernails for more dirt. “What do they hunt?”

“Whatever they want,” I said.

“We’ve got plenty of animals in these woods that need to be culled. I don’t see the problem.”

“Ashley,” I said slowly. “When I said whatever they want, I meant it. Their new leader is more dangerous than any master huntsmen before him. Vortigern might take one look at you and decide pretty blondes are on the menu.”

Ashley lit up. “You think I’m pretty?”

Phaedra groaned. “I think she missed the point. You might want to rephrase.”

“These hunters aren’t like ones you know,” I stressed.

“Think of them as land pirates,” Phaedra added. “They’ll take what they want and run off with it … or her. And if they ride back through the crossroads with someone, it would be next to impossible to save her.”

Ashley grimaced. The thought of being kidnapped again didn’t seem to sit well with her. “And you can’t block the entrance to the crossroads?”

“Not me,” Phaedra said. “The most I could do is an illusion spell to make them think they’re somewhere like a desert so they turn around and go back, but I doubt it would hold long enough to fool them.”

Concern lined Ashley’s brow. “Do you know anyone with the kind of magic that could block the path?”

“I have another card up my sleeve,” I hinted. “I won’t know for sure until tonight though.”

Phaedra gave me a knowing look. “Your mage friends?”

I nodded. “It’s another long shot but worth asking.”

“And what if they can’t?” Ashley asked. “Should I stay home for the next week?” She moaned. “I have a date tomorrow night.”

“Does the date involve a hike through Wild Acres?” I asked.

“Not yet, but if he plays his cards right, it could involve a parked car off the beaten trail.”

“Stick to downtown,” I suggested. “Avoid Monk’s.”

Phaedra’s shoulders slumped. “You should probably stay away from the farm until the hunt is over. I don’t want to risk putting you in harm’s way just for extra help around the house.”

Ashley’s spine straightened. “Like a paid holiday?”

Phaedra licked her lips, debating. “Sure.”
