Page 48 of Play Dead

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Unlikely. I got the impression that if West had his way, he’d blame me for skyrocketing real estate prices and the high cost of organic blueberries, too.

“Are you sure about that?” I asked.

He dragged a hand through his enviable thick hair. “Listen. Do you think we could we start over?”

“Let me guess. Sage gave you a good talking-to.” His not-so-secret girlfriend was a faerie with a fierce attitude.

“She definitely made it clear that I’ve been a complete asshole when it comes to you, and that you didn’t deserve it.”

“I wouldn’t say a complete asshole.”

He stuck out a hand. “Hi, I’m Weston Davies, alpha of the Arrowhead pack.”

I quickly fortified my mind before shaking his hand. “Lorelei Clay.”

“Nice to meet you, Clay. Heard you bought that big, abandoned property on the hill.”

I smiled. “Aren’t you going to call it the Ruins?”

He returned the smile. “Bluebeard’s Castle, isn’t it?”

“That’s the one.”

“How do like it so far?”

“Settling in slowly but surely.”

“Glad to hear it. Let me know if you need any help.” He hesitated. “Friends?”

“We don’t have to be friends, you know. It’s perfectly acceptable to be neighbors or acquaintances.”

He tugged his ear. “Do neighbors or acquaintances get to play Scrabble at your house and enjoy Nana Pratt’s baked goods?”

“Friends, it is.” I didn’t need West, and I’d be fine in Fairhaven without him, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t value a relationship with him. The community would benefit from a united front, rather than a divided one. Plus, I wouldn’t have to duck behind the fruit stall when I saw him in the grocery store, which I may have done once or twice.

“You’ll text me if you hear anything more about the Wild Hunt?”

“About that…” I drew a deep breath and explained the situation with the white stag, as well as the guild’s refusal to cooperate.

West blew air through his nostrils. “Why would you ask those selfish bastards? Because of Sullivan?”

“And Gun and Cam, who offered to help anyway.”

“Your concerns are valid,” he said. “Once our primal instincts get triggered, they’re tough to control.”

“That being said, you were helpful in chasing down Addison’s menagerie. The pig, wasn’t it?”

“Yep. The god of gluttony. But I stayed in human form for that. I didn’t want to be mistaken for the wolf, remember?”

Hard to forget that debacle. People died. And now even more might die, all because I chose to settle in Fairhaven on a whim. The guild was right—my existence was a threat. This town deserved better.

“What about joining the hunt in your human forms? I’m sure we can round up a few horses.”

“Werewolves and horses don’t mix well, but I can tell everyone on patrol to report back immediately with any sightings of a white stag.”

“There’s also a wild boar.”

“Could it be the same boar from the menagerie? The god of wrath?”
