Page 47 of Play Dead

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He balked. “Safe? You sure?”

“One hundred percent. Threat removed.”

“Thanks for the tip.”

The image of the rose garden bloomed in my mind. “The Slavic Fates… Are they associated with the rose?” I didn’t recall that particular detail.

“Isn’t everybody? The rose is to the ancients what the peace symbol was to the Sixties.”

I wondered whether the Givers were responsible for the invisible rose on my forehead. Food for thought.

“Word to the wise,” I said. “You might want to lay low for the next few days. The Wild Hunt is coming. You might seem like a worthy prey.”

His popping eyes were almost comical. “Why come here? Is it because of the white hart?”

“You saw the stag?”

“He was nosing around the riverbank yesterday. We locked eyes, and it was…” The vodyanoy shuddered. “Let’s just say we shared a moment. I dipped underwater before things got weird.”

“He wasn’t afraid of you?”

“Of little ol’ me? Hells to the no. It was obvious I had no ability to capture him.” He produced a webbed hand. “Too bad. That stag was packing magical juju. Maybe if I’d caught him, he could’ve turned me back into a prince.”

In the distance, I spotted a familiar figure at the river’s edge. He must’ve seen my truck. “I need to go, Goran, but it was a pleasure meeting you.”

“Likewise.” His large head submerged, and I avoided using my paddle on the right until I’d cleared the area.

I hugged the riverbank until I reached my starting point. “Hey, West.” Instead of his usual tight jeans, the Arrowhead alpha wore black sweatpants and a black hoodie.

“Saw your truck. Need a hand?”


Leaning over, he hauled the kayak to shore, and I climbed out.

“Thanks. How’s your house?” Members of West’s former pack had burned down his trailer in an attempt to smoke him out. They’d only succeeded in making West temporarily homeless.

“As a matter of fact, I moved back in yesterday.”

“That’s impressive.”

“That’s teamwork for you. The pack worked hard.”

“No doubt.” The pack would do anything for their alpha. They were loyal to a fault.

He lifted my kayak and carried it to the bed of the truck.

“Thanks. You didn’t have to do that.”

“It’s no trouble.”

I motioned to his clothing. “What’s with the ninja apparel?”

“I’ve been surveying the woods for any sign of your Wild Hunt. So far, I haven’t seen anything unusual.”

“It isn’t my Wild Hunt.”

“Right. Sorry. I didn’t mean to imply… I don’t blame you for them.”
