Page 35 of Play Dead

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“They’re protective of themselves and their livelihoods.” He kissed me again.

“Get a room,” Josie called as she breezed out the door.

“Working on it,” he said.

I laughed. “Is that so?”

He gazed down at me. “Stay the night. Wouldn’t you rather wake up to my smiling face than Addison’s?”

“Every day of the week and twice on Sundays.”

He moved his arms to encircle my waist. “Oh, I think we can do better than that.”

The offer was very, very tempting. “Anna is bringing Addison back to the castle by two a.m. I need to be there.”

“She isn’t a toddler. Besides, you have Ray and Nana Pratt there to defend the Castle.”

A sleepover with Kane. Many thoughts ran through my head. Most of them involved nudity and flexibility I wasn’t sure I actually possessed. My cheeks grew warm.

Kane’s hand slipped through my hair to cradle the back of my head. “Is that a yes?”

Before I could respond, Dantalion appeared in the doorway, looking grim. “I apologize for the interruption.”

Kane released his hold on me. “You’re back.”

“Good to see you, Dandelion.”

“And you, Lorelei.” His gaze slid to Kane. “We need to talk.”

“I’ve missed you, Dandelion. How’ve you been?”

“Busier than I’d prefer.”

“You and me both.”

Kane looked at me with longing. “Rain check?”

I pecked his cheek. “Rain check.”

I left the nightclub, wondering what the Great Duke of Hell had been up to. He’d disappeared weeks ago, and this urgent reunion suggested there was trouble on the horizon.

Inwardly, I groaned. No rest for the wicked.

I hopped on my motorcycle and rode home, trying very hard not to imagine the night I might’ve had if Dantalion hadn’t shown up.

The blast of cold wind in my face helped.


My dreams were chock full of inappropriate behavior, which took place, for the most part, on the red leather sofa. In the morning, I opted for a cooler shower to snap out of it. I didn’t need that imagery seared in my mind all day.

I dressed and brushed my teeth and managed to forget all about the dreams until a text from Kane brought them flooding to the surface. It wasn’t even a racy message. Despite the innocence of his morning greeting, my skin felt so hot, I had to splash more cold water on my face to stop the parade of thoughts.

Addison was still asleep in her room; she’d seemed in high spirits when she returned from the Arrowhead trailer park. According to her, she’d won enough money to extend her stay at the Castle. I assumed it was a joke.

I hoped.

Stomach rumbling, I padded downstairs for breakfast and was met by Ray at the bottom of the staircase.
