Page 34 of Play Dead

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Justine stuck a menacing finger in Gun’s face. “Vampires are every bit as lethal as La Fortuna mages.”

Gun kissed the tip of her finger and moved it aside. “I’d advise you not to stick any of your phalanges in my face unless you’re interested in losing one of them.”

Cam leaned over to him. “Technically, the phalanges are the bones. Each finger has three of them…”

Gun’s exhale seemed powered by boredom. “The distal, the middle, and the proximal. Yes, I know, dear cousin. My point still stands.”

“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Monica said. “I understand wanting to keep the stag’s power out of the wrong hands—I’m on board with that part—but why not let the Wild Hunt run free in the forest? If I recall correctly, they don’t stay and set up camp. They chase restless spirits, scare the crap out of people, and call it a day.”

“Matilda, the Night Mallt,” I explained. “She used to ride with them until Vortigern kicked her out. She says he doesn’t operate within the spirit of the hunt. She thinks he’s a threat.”

Franco made a dismissive noise. “Sounds to me like she’s a disgruntled former employee holding a grudge.”

“Enough chatter,” Alfonso said. “I already pissed off my wife by attending a meeting that was not on the family calendar.” He gave Kane a pointed look. “If Judith falls asleep before I get home, my ass is grass tomorrow.”

“We need to put this to a vote,” Kane said.

Gun moved to a standing position. “All in favor of playing cowboy, raise your hand.” His arm shot in the air. “I have the perfect hat to wear for the occasion.”

I averted my gaze, unable to bring myself to count the hands in the air.

“Sorry, Lorelei.” Gun dropped back into the seat beside me.

“Gun and I will do whatever we can to help,” Cam added.


“Meeting adjourned,” Kane said.

The guild members fled the scene, as assassins were wont to do. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed by the outcome.

Josie sighed at the collection of dirty glasses and began loading them onto a tray. “We need to hire more staff.”

“We hire them, they stay for a bit, then they leave,” Kane replied. “Then the process starts over with someone new.”

Josie pegged him with her almond-shaped eyes. “Maybe we ought to think about why that is.”

Kane shifted his attention to me. “Another time, perhaps.”

Josie got the hint and carried the tray to the counter.

I sagged against him. “That could’ve gone better.”

“It went as well as could be expected,” Kane replied, smoothing my hair.

“You expected them to vote no?”

“I did.”

“Then why did you let me propose the idea?”

“Because you asked.” He cupped my chin in his hands. “Believe it or not, I have trouble telling you no.”

His admission brought a smile to my lips. “Are they always so hostile?”

“They’re assassins. Yes.”

“And selfish?”
