Page 17 of Play Dead

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Gun’s gaze swung to his cousin. “I didn’t misunderstand, did I? She said she’s harboring someone from the very organization that would kill her or enslave her if they knew of her existence?”

Cam sprinkled a handful of Nerds on top of her mousse. “That’s what she said.”

“It’s only a temporary arrangement, until she finalizes her plan to avoid detection for the rest of her life.”

Gun stabbed the mousse with his spoon. “And how does she intend to do that?”

“Still working on that part. She already changed her name. Addison Gray is the name she used with me to hide her affiliation with The Corporation.”

Gunther’s eyes turned to daggers. “You mean Aite? Isn’t that the goddess who tried to kill you?”

“To be fair, she only fought me as a strategy to identify me. She still doesn’t know who I am, so keep your voices down.”

His gaze turned to the ceiling. “She’s here right now?”

I nodded. “I told her to stay upstairs during dinner.”

“Well, I don’t like this one bit,” Camryn said. “She’s going to lead them straight to your door, and then what?”

“They don’t know who I am, and by the time they trace her to Fairhaven, she’ll be long gone.” I hoped.

“I bet she doesn’t have a plan at all,” Gun said. “She’s probably working with them to trap you.” He glanced at the ceiling again. “Want me to interrogate her? I have my cards.”

“I know it sounds ridiculous, but I believe her.”

“Because you want to see the good in everybody,” Cam said. “That’s your problem. You’re too gullible.”

“And it’s going to get you killed or captured,” Gun added. “But before that happens, I need the recipe for this mousse. It’s even more divine than you are.”

“High praise, indeed.”

“Any more bombshells to drop this evening or should we save the next revelation for another time?” Gun asked.

“I’m done,” I said.

Cam pushed away her empty dish and rested a hand on her belly. “So am I.”


Ispent the next morning drafting a list of household tasks in order of priority. The Castle was a structural hydra; every time I tackled one job, three more appeared to take its place.

“Where’s Claude?” Ray asked. “He’d be handy with a hammer.”

“No pun intended?”

Ray’s chest puffed with pride. “Oh, it was very much intended.”

“In that case, you nailed it.”

He chuckled. “I see what you did there.”

“As for Claude, I haven’t seen him since last night.” I’d searched for him after Gun and Cam left the house, but there was no sign of the revenant.

I felt a light pressure on my arm, as though someone was politely trying to get my attention.

“That’s a new one,” I said to no one in particular.

I hurried through the foyer to peer outside as a large black mare crested the bridge. Her eyes burned with red-hot fire. Although its rider was cloaked, the gentleness of the ward gave me a clue as to their identity.
