Page 16 of Play Dead

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He used the prong of his fork to hold up the lacy thong underpants. “Look what the hand dragged in. Somehow, I doubt this belongs to him.” His brow furrowed. “Hmm. They don’t belong to you either.”

I straightened in my chair. “What makes you so sure?”

“I don’t need to peek in your underwear drawer to know you own a vintage collection of granny panties.”

Camryn winced. “Please never say “granny panties” again.”

“I’m more offended by the word vintage.” I plucked the thong from the fork and carried it to the laundry room. When I returned to the kitchen, there were three glass dishes with mousse on the table.

“I hope you don’t mind that I served dessert,” Cam said. “My appetite is back.”

“Not at all.”

“It’s delicious,” Gun acknowledged, “but not so delicious that I’m willing to ignore the case of the mysterious undergarments.”

Cam shot him a disapproving look. “It’s none of our business.”

“You only say that because I saw Vaughn’s car leave your house the other morning.” Gun turned toward me. “Did I mention it was morning?”

“You did.”

Camryn pressed her lips together. “Like I said, it’s none of your business.”

“Since when? I’ve been forced to watch your romantic saga play out for ages. I deserve a denouement.”

“We’ve decided a situationship suits us best.”

“Bullshit,” Gun coughed.

Cam regarded him with surprise. “Why is it fine for you but bullshit for me?”

“Because I know you, cousin. You want more than stolen kisses and booty calls. You want flowers and dinner dates. You want diamond earrings on your anniversary.”

She tossed her hair. “We both know I can afford to buy my own diamond earrings.”

“Not the point. If you want Vaughn, then tell him. Be direct. Stop accepting his breadcrumbs, no matter how intoxicating you find them. If he declines the offer, then move on to someone who wants what you want.”

Camryn’s expression crumpled. “You make it sound so simple.”

Gunther patted her back. “You’re Camryn Sable. La Fortuna mage. Member of an elite assassins guild. Badass boss bitch. Refuse to settle.”

With each compliment, Camryn seemed to grow taller. “I would love a winter white wedding.” She paused and added wistfully, “Someday.”

“I wouldn’t tell him that much, sweetie,” Gun advised. “Just tell him he’s either all in or you’re out.”

She nodded. “I can do that… I think.”

“I know you can.”

Camryn’s rare moment of vulnerability got to me. No more lies, not to my friends. “In the interest of full disclosure, there’s one more thing you should know.”

Gun regarded me with curiosity. “Based on the underwear, I’m guessing—bisexual?”

“What? No. I’m harboring a fugitive from The Corporation.”

They stared at me with matching gobsmacked expressions.

“I can finally see the resemblance between you two,” I said. “The same three lines appear between your brows when you’re shocked and appalled.”
