Page 134 of Play Dead

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I’d never witnessed Matilda in her element before today. It was unnerving, and I found myself relieved she was on my side.

I spotted Claude attempting to tug a rider from his horse as the Night Mallt twisted and leaped with a dancer’s grace. She shifted another rider off his mount.

Brody grinned as he crafted another natural prison for the hunter unlucky enough to be unseated. “This is the most fun I’ve had in ages. You should invite the Wild Hunt ‘round more often.”

I felt a surge of confidence that Vortigern was about to get a taste of failure for the first time. Gods willing, he choked on it.

A puff of smoke popped into existence next to me, revealing Addison.

“I forgot you could do that.”

She winked. “Cheap theatrics, I believe you called it.”

“Must come in handy in a pinch.”

“Yeah, like right now. Thought you’d want to know Vortigern is headed this way. He seems pretty pissed. Then again, I’d be pissed, too, if my face looked like that.”

I motioned to Brody.

Matilda threw her head back and laughed as she ripped another rider from his steed.

The cackle died in her throat as the stallion’s approaching hoofbeats rocked the ground. Matilda released her hold on the hunter and pivoted toward the sound.

Vortigern cut straight to the heart of the copse and glowered at us. “I was told there would be a god’s power to claim when I killed the boar.”

“Oopsie,” Addison said. “Was that just a regular wild boar? My bad.”

“You would think a hunter of your distinction would know the difference,” I said.

Vortigern didn’t waste his breath on a response. He signaled to someone out of sight. A lone arrow loosed. The world slowed as the projectile whizzed toward me. Addison twisted in front of me with her arm extended at an odd angle. My gaze landed on her gilded mirror tattoo, and I understood her intention. I screamed as the point missed the tattoo and pierced her chest.

I tried to catch her as she dropped to the ground; we fell together.

I ripped the point of the arrow from her chest and flung it across the copse.

Vortigern heckled me. “The damage is done.”

I examined the blood that oozed from the wound. It wasn’t dark crimson; it was black.

“Told you I was an impulsive line crosser,” Addison whispered.

Vortigern observed his imprisoned hunters with contempt. “Weak and pathetic. You don’t deserve to share in my good fortune. I’ll find the stag without you.”

He galloped away. Everyone was too stunned to chase him.

I choked back tears. “You’re the goddess of mischief and ruin. Why didn’t you use your powers?”

“Didn’t want to hurt you … any more than I already have.” Her eyelids fluttered. “Forgive me.”

“There is nothing to forgive.”

“Do me one last favor.”

“No last favors. We’ll take you to a healer.”

She struggled to speak. “Won’t make it.”

I looked around helplessly. Nobody around us had healing abilities.
