Page 133 of Play Dead

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“Not directly.” The vampire had been eaten by a creature from the deep—the kulshedra that lived in Bone Lake until its recent demise.

“Either way, congratulations are in order. Your town is better off without him.”

I gestured to the hunter. “Yes, as you can see—way better off.”

He chuckled. “Life would be dull as a brick without a bit of danger every now and again.”

As if on cue, a rock arced through the air and hit the back of his head. His eyelids fluttered and he sank to the ground.

Two hunters sat on horseback at the edge of the clearing. Kane was first to react. A flaming sword appeared where his hand had been only a moment ago. He charged our attackers while I planted myself in front of Brody’s prostrate body.

Flames licked the hunters’ spears as they attempted to defend themselves against Kane’s energetic offensive. The demon prince was too fast for them. His sword sliced horizontally through the air, cutting each of their spears in half.

“Where’s Vortigern?” I demanded.

Kane yanked the first hunter off his horse and threw him to the ground, holding him in place with the heel of his shoe.

The second hunter’s eyes widened as he glimpsed his immediate future. “Last I saw him, he was pursuing the boar along a creek,” he babbled.

“What about Matilda?”

He shook his head.

Brody climbed unsteadily to his feet, rubbing his head. “You’re both getting caged for the headache I’ll be forced to endure.” He flicked a hand toward the mounted hunter. “Sullivan, would you mind?”

Kane relieved the horse of its rider and tossed the hunter next to his companion. “Misery loves company.”

Using more of Mother Nature’s bounty, Brody constructed a second cage large enough to contain the duo.

I mounted the abandoned horse. “I’ll head to the creek.” I inclined my head at Kane. “Head to the Falls. Make sure nobody tries to release the hounds.”

Brody looked at me expectantly. “And me, lass?”

“Unseat as many hunters as you can and lock them down.”

He bowed in a sweeping gesture. “It would be an honor and a privilege.”

I urged the horse forward. He bucked in response, fearful of his new rider. After a few unsuccessful attempts to calm him, I gave up and sent him through the crossroads.

I switched on my earpiece. “Any updates?”

“We’ve got things under control by the Falls,” Gun said.

“Any sign of Vortigern or Matilda?”


“How about the white stag?”


I couldn’t decide if that news was good or bad. A shriek shook the leaves from the trees.

“Gods above, what was that?” Gun asked.

“I’m about to find out.” I sprinted through the woods in search of the source.

I barely recognized the crone in the copse. Sharp teeth. Claws that could slice a man in half. A strength and determination that defied her age. This was the Night Mallt in her truest form, in all her violent glory. Her mare stood at a safe distance, almost reverent in her patience. Brody leaned against the trunk of a tree with his arms folded, taking in the performance. He caught my eye and waved.
