Page 121 of Play Dead

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He gave my backside a playful smack. “Smartass. Because we’re on equal footing. Princess of the underworld. Prince of hell. Your power doesn’t intimidate me. I’m in awe of it. I’m in awe of you.”

I splayed my hands across his chest. “I’m in awe of you, too.” Kane was a demon. He’d survived unspeakable acts; he could’ve easily succumbed to his baser instincts, yet he’d chosen the uncomfortable path of enlightenment, and he’d inspired those around him to do the same.

“Would you like to peek inside my head and confirm I’m telling the truth?”

I bit back a smile. “There’s a fantasy you want to share with me, isn’t there?”

A sly grin formed. “Is my face that obvious?”

I glanced down between us. “It isn’t your face that’s obvious.” I dragged my gaze back to his. “Why don’t you tell me the fantasy?”

“I’d much rather show you.”

And he did.


The sun was down by the time I arrived at the Castle. We had fewer than twenty-four hours before the Wild Hunt came crashing through the crossroads and I was in no shape to deal with them.

Addison sat at the kitchen table, playing Scrabble with Nana Pratt, Ray, and Claude.

The goddess barely glanced at me. “You’re alive. We thought you might’ve drowned.”

“We had no such thoughts,” Ray countered. “Otto contacted Gunther about your visit, who then contacted West.”

“Seems like you had quite the eventful day,” Addison said. “Anna dropped off your phone and dagger.”


“And she wanted me to tell you the druid is dead.”

No surprise. The wolves would’ve seen him give me the final kick into the Falls.

“Oh, and she left his head on a spike at the crossroads.”

Oh, boy.

Addison gestured to the oven. “Matilda and I have eaten, I put the leftover pizza in the oven at a low temperature to keep it warm for you.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it. Where is Matilda?”

“Napping on your sofa. She didn’t find the stag, and she injured one of the scouts. She didn’t seem too happy about it.”

I didn’t blame her. The scout was likely someone she knew well.

“You might want to shower before you eat,” Addison said. “You reek of sulfur. Did you swing by hell on your way home?”

I bit the inside of my cheek. “Something like that.”

Nana Pratt examined me closely. “Are you all right, dear? You look frazzled.”

“And pretty gross,” Addison added. “Is that your blood?”

“Yes,” I said. Kane had offered me fresh clothes, but I didn’t want to arrive home wearing his. Only one option invited questions I was willing to answer.

“Your phone is charging on the counter,” Ray said.

