Page 120 of Play Dead

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“Okay, fine. The good and the bad.”

He inched his body closer so that it was flush with mine. I could still feel the heat emanating from him. “Are you ready to tell me what drove you here in such a frenzied state?”

“I am.” The wall was down. There’d be no putting back those bricks now. Out spilled the details of my unexpected meeting with the Morrigan.

“How do you feel about all that?” Kane asked afterward.

“I think I’m still in shock.”


“I also feel angry, which then makes me feel guilty.”

“Why would anger at The Corporation cause you guilt?”

“Not that. The anger toward my grandparents. My whole life they knew the truth, yet they lied to me anyway.”

“To protect you. You were only a child.”

“Pops could’ve told me later, when I was older.”

“I’m not telling you how to feel. Your anger is valid. I only ask you to consider the situation from his perspective. You had incredible power you couldn’t control. He trained you the best he could. He likely feared the second you learned the truth; you’d try to use your powers against The Corporation and get yourself killed or taken against your will. He’d already lost his daughter and son-in-law. He wouldn’t risk losing you, too.”

“What I don’t understand is why my mother would’ve chosen to become an avatar in the first place. I don’t know much about my father’s family, but I thought my mother had a happy childhood with caring parents. Addison was miserable as a human and couldn’t wait to escape her life. What would’ve made my mom sacrifice her existence to make room for Persephone?”

“There could be any number of reasons. Perhaps she was deceived. Perhaps she met a man not unlike your persuasive Bob the Vampire—someone who promised her a life she could only dream of and convinced her to join their ranks.”

It was plausible. My family hadn’t been wealthy. If they’d offered her a lot of money, she would’ve taken it, if only to help out my grandparents. Then she met my father…

“Do you think my parents only fell in love because of Hades and Persephone? That somehow the gods found each other again and reunited, irrespective of what their human hosts felt for each other?”

“It’s my understanding that the gods aren’t in complete control of the avatars. While they hold most of the cards, they don’t hold all of them. Addison still exists within Aite, yes?”

“Yes, but Aite pulls the puppet’s strings.”

“Only if Addison allows it. What do you think would happen if Aite tried to do something Addison objected to?”

“I don’t know. They seem to be on the same page with everything.”

“And I bet your parents were, too.” He nuzzled my neck. “I view avatars the same way I view the effect money has on people. Money doesn’t change anyone; it simply magnifies their inner world, who they already are at their very core. Addison’s character is magnified by Aite, but Aite hasn’t changed who Addison is at her core.”

“Why not? If people can be influenced by those around them, why not gods within them?”

“You forgot the most important part. You can’t control anyone or make them change. People only change if they want to.”

He was right about that. The world would be a much different place if we could alter the behavior and actions of those around us.

“From what you’ve told me,” he continued, “it seems that your parents loved you very much. They risked their lives to keep you safe, as did your grandparents.”

“My parents didn’t risk their lives. They lost them.”

With a gentle hand, Kane guided my face toward his. “I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Just know I’ll be with you every step of the way if you want me.”

Oh, I wanted him, that much was obvious. My lips grazed his in silent acknowledgement.

“This is why we’re a good fit for each other,” he said.

“Because you’d never hire a witch to put a spell on me?”
