Page 118 of Play Dead

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“I wouldn’t object to resting on a cloud after that.”

He scooped me into his arms and carried me to the massive bed. It was modern, masculine, and all black.

He set me gently on the bed and climbed in next to me. It was like being cradled by shadows.

“Want to talk about it?” he asked.

“Not right now. I hope I didn’t ruin your big moment,” I said.

He chuckled. “You’re not actually worried about that, are you?” He pressed a reassuring kiss to my cheek. “You saw the size of the chasm. That’s how earth shattering our big moment was.”

I glanced at the mess on the floor. “I hope nothing’s broken.”

“Nothing that can’t be mended.”

I wanted to snuggle against him, but something in me resisted. “I guess this is the part where you tell me you’ve had your fun and now I can scoot on home.”

He dragged his fingers gently down my arm until I shivered. “Would I ever use the word ‘scoot?’” His hand stopped on my hip and rested there. “What makes you ask that? Do you think because I’m a demon that I’ve had bad intentions from the start?”

“No.” Truly, I didn’t. It was simply another old wound rising to a very raw surface.

“Whatever it is, you can tell me,” he said. His voice was every bit as soft and coaxing as his fingers, and I felt myself opening up for him. Again.

“When I was younger, I got involved with a vampire.”

Kane’s grip on my hip tightened. “Am I going to want to hunt this bastard down by the end of your story?”

“Good point. I won’t tell you his real name. Let’s call him Bob. Bob the Vampire.”

“Very sexy. Tell me more.”

I pressed a smile against his bare chest. “Are you familiar with the story of Eros and Psyche?”

“Beautiful maiden angers Aphrodite. Jealous, the goddess sends Eros to shoot Psyche with one of his arrows, so she falls in love with a hideous creature.”

“Except the plan backfires and clumsy Eros pricks his own skin with the arrow and he falls madly in love with her. Psyche’s father marries her off to him, but without any knowledge of his true identity. She’s transported to an amazing house with everything she could ever want. Her new husband only visits her in darkness and advises her never to look upon him.”

Kane propped himself up on an elbow. “Aren’t there jealous sisters involved?”

“Yes, they convince her that she married a monster, so Psyche devises a plan to learn his true identity in direct contravention of his wishes.”

Kane smirked. “And that plan goes about as well as Aphrodite’s.”

“There’s more to the story, but the point is this—Bob sensed my power, and it bothered him that he couldn’t identify the source of it. He harassed me about it, but I thought we’d put the issue to rest.”

“Let me guess. Bob was a determined bastard.”

“A sneaky, stubborn bastard, yes. He was simply biding his time, continuing to lure me into a false sense of security when, in fact, he’d hired a witch to give him a spell that would reveal my true identity.”

“Did it work?”

“Thankfully, no. The unfortunate part was that the spell required a physical union, so his actions leading up to that point were designed with the spell in mind.”

“A physical union?”

“The spell was activated during sex.”

Kane blew out a breath.
