Page 117 of Play Dead

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Inside me.

He drove into me, and I welcomed each powerful thrust. My grip on control loosened. As the pressure mounted, I felt each carefully constructed knot fray and slip apart. I grasped at the threads until only the silky essence remained. It coaxed me, teased me, until the final thread snapped, and I finally let go.

Pleasure swept me away, wild and reckless. I shuddered, enjoying the ride, and floated in the abyss.

And then I was falling.

My body continued to shudder, albeit for an entirely different reason.


Kane’s room was gone, replaced by a gaping chasm. Fires burned in the distance, and the stench of sulfur nearly gagged me.

I felt a presence nearby. Kane. His face reflected confusion. Thank the gods we were both clothed.

“What is this place?” he asked.

I offered a wan smile. “Welcome to the goddess of nightmares’ very own nightmare.” I’d had this particular bad dream since I was a little girl. Sometimes a boulder came rolling toward me and I had to outrun it. Other times, I sensed the presence of a monstrous beast and was forced to run through a maze of stony corridors to escape it.

Kane dragged a hand through his hair. “This was my fault. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. My emotions were out of control. There was no avoiding free fall after that.”

A mighty roar shook the rocky ground beneath our feet.

Kane’s brow lifted. “Dare I ask?”

I almost responded with, “I don’t know, and I’ve never wanted to find out.”

Except now I knew.

I spun around, taking a closer look at my surroundings. The brutal environment. The scents that could burn the hair from my nostrils. The brimstone and the constant threat of fire. If I walked far enough, I’d encounter a path that led from the chasm to a river called Styx. The roar belonged to Cerberus, my parents’ beloved pet. This wasn’t a nightmare. This was the underworld.

This was home.

The moment I made the connection, the nightmare dissolved. The next roar died in their throats. The reddish rocks crumbled. The smell of brimstone dissipated, replaced by musk, pine, and sandalwood.

Kane and I were stretched across the floor of his living room.

Still naked, I might add.

My heartbeat thrummed in my ears as I returned to reality. My muscles were sore and tired, and my breathing was ragged. I felt like I’d scaled a mountain naked and barefoot, which I arguably had.

“I’ve wanted to feel seen my whole life, but not that seen,” I said.

“I’m sorry.” Ever the gentleman, Kane swiped a folded blanket from the nearby club chair and draped it across me.

“You showed me yours. I guess it’s only fair that I show you mine.”

“We’re still talking about nightmares, right?”

I kissed his full lips. “Worth it.”

His fingers brushed my cheek. “Glad to hear it. Tired?”

“Yes and no.” Despite my fatigue, I was in no mood for sleep. Too many endorphins.

“Care to test my mattress now?”
