Page 108 of Play Dead

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“No.” But I sensed Addison was about to tell me about the many times she had.

“A few years ago, The Corporation sent me to the Outer Hebrides. Have you ever been?”


“Beautiful scenery. More frigid than Hera’s heart in winter. Anyway, it’s a long story, but the important part is I had to remove a druid from a potentially volatile situation, and he did not make it easy.”

“Did you win?”

Her smile was infectious. “Of course. Sadly, the druid didn’t make it. Hard to live without your head.” She frowned. “Although your buddy Claude seems to do okay.”

“Revenants are a special case.”

She nodded. “I missed the chance to take him by surprise. My mistake. It took me several broken weapons and a bruised body before I accepted that I couldn’t defeat him that way. His magic was too strong.”

“What did you do?”

“I activated my tattoo to use his magic against him.” She rolled up her sleeve and showed me the image of a gilded mirror covered in roses on her inner forearm. “It’s mirror magic.”

“Why not start with that?”

She shrugged. “Forgot it was there. Got it when I was blind drunk. According to bystanders, I thought it would be hilarious to use it against my enemies and tell them ‘I’m rubber. You’re glue. Whatever you say or do bounces off me and sticks to you.’”

“Honestly, if you’re going to get a magical tattoo when you’re nearly passed out, that seems like a good one to have.”

She contemplated the tattoo. “Apparently I thought so, too.”

“I appreciate the anecdote, but what’s my takeaway? That I should get a mirror tattoo on my way to Wild Acres?”

“Gods, no. You’d need access to a highly skilled technician for that. You’ll have to rely on whatever your mysterious powers are to defend yourself.”

“I don’t think he’s here to fight.” Otherwise, his encounter with the guards would’ve gone in a more violent direction.

I started toward the door.

“Want me to cook dinner?” she called after me. “I spotted chicken thighs in the fridge.” She paused. “Or we could order a pizza.”

“Do whatever your gut tells you.”

“That’s not helpful. My gut always votes for carb loading.”

I exited the house as my phone vibrated with a text from Anna Dupree, sending the druid’s current location. If I hurried, I could intercept him.

Are you sure you want us to leave him be? He looks wimpy. I think I can take him alone.

Don’t be fooled, I replied. Leaving now.

Matilda rode her steed, and I rode mine. Betsy was faster than the mare, so I stayed well under the speed limit to allow the Night Mallt to keep up. Stables were commonplace enough in the area that nobody would question the sight of a galloping horse alongside a motorcycle.

I traveled as far into the woods as the motorcycle could fit, bypassing the yellow tape set up by the police department. I was pleased to see West’s phone call to Chief Garcia had the desired outcome. It paid to have friends in local law enforcement.

From here, I’d follow Anna’s directions to the druid on foot. I parked the motorcycle between two birches. Matilda remained astride her horse to search for the scouts.

“Ahoy, you lot!” a voice called. “Clear the path or meet your doom.”

I cut a glance at Matilda. “You didn’t mention there was a pirate theme. I would’ve worn my eye patch.”

A horse trotted into the clearing and came to a halt. Its rider looked down at us with a gap-toothed grin. “I know you, lass,” he said to Matilda.
