Page 107 of Play Dead

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I hung up and looked at Matilda. “When did you get here?”

“I was asleep on the sofa.”

Addison smiled up at her. “If only you had a mattress.”

I kept my focus on the Night Mallt. “Did you know about this?”

“The scouts but not the druid. I received an update last night, but I expected them later in the day.”

“If they’re here now, how long until Vortigern shows up?”

“That I don’t know.”

“Who gave you the report?” I wasn’t sure she could trust anyone inside the Wild Hunt.

“Claude’s other hand.”

Not the answer I expected.

“His head is currently planted in the garden outside Vortigern’s residence. Looks like a rotting cabbage so no one questions it. He’s been listening outside the window and relaying the intel to his hand, which then relays it to me.”

Huh. As far as spies went, revenants were even better than crows.

“What’s our plan?” I asked.

Matilda grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and took a generous bite. “Ride out to meet them, of course. This is our chance to parley.”

“Is there any point? Based on everything you’ve told me; they’re not going to listen. They’ll be more afraid of Vortigern than us.”

“We may learn information from them that will aid us in our defense.”

I laughed. “You think they’ll answer our questions because we asked nicely?”

“Who said anything about asking nicely? Fetch a weapon or two, cariad, but nothing too extreme. Reserve those for the horde. If nothing else, we’ll distract them from their task.”

And if we were really lucky, we might find the stag and relocate it.

Matilda tossed the core of the apple into the trashcan. “I’ll meet you outside. Hurry.”

I bolted from the kitchen. Addison greeted me at the base of the staircase, holding my dagger in her hand.

“You didn’t lock your weapons trunk,” she said.


“Why not?”

I raised my eyebrows. “Do you think I should?”

“They’re right at the edge of your bed. Aren’t you worried I’ll attack you in your sleep?”

“You’re Aite. You don’t need a weapon to inflict pain, but you can’t come with us.”

“I know. I brought this down for you.” She handed the dagger to me. “I wouldn’t bother taking more than this.”

“That’s what Matilda said.”

“Great minds think alike. Have you ever fought a druid?”
