Page 3 of Atlas Epilogue

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Atlas kissed him back while he shifted all his weight to one arm and used his free hand to rove Gavin’s body. He rucked up Gavin’s shirt, exposing his chest, and dipped down to suck a nipple into his mouth.

Sucking in air now that his mouth was free, Gavin writhed beneath Atlas’s talented mouth, placing one hand on the back of his head and using the other to pull at Atlas’s shirt.

Taking the hint, Atlas pushed himself up onto his knees and lifted his shirt over his head. He flung it off the bed before reaching for Gavin’s and giving it the same treatment.

“Pants too,” Gavin said, breathless. “Off. Everything off.”

Atlas chuckled and reached for his belt.

Once they were both naked and pressed against each other again the frantic energy of before deepened into a scorching inferno. Atlas kissed Gavin over and over again, claiming his mouth so thoroughly Gavin felt it all the way down to his toes. The heat building between them didn’t scare him. He welcomed it. Reveled in it. Atlas’s touch lit up Gavin’s skin the way his newly unleashed power burned through his veins. He wanted more. He wanted it all.

“Fuck me,” he said, teeth dragging over Atlas’s stubbled cheek.

Atlas growled, kissing him one more time before lifting up and reaching off to the side. The nightstand rattled as Atlas yanked open the drawer to dig around inside.

Gavin would have chuckled if he wasn’t so impatient for Atlas to find his prize and get back to him. Raising his head off the pillow, he bit at the meaty swell of Atlas’s pec, running the flat of his tongue over the pebbled nipple there. He smiled around his mouthful when Atlas cursed above him.

“Not helping,” Atlas grunted even as he turned his torso the slightest bit to give Gavin better access.

Gavin did laugh then. “Having trouble focusing, big guy?”

In a flash, Atlas dropped his weight down on Gavin, making Gavin wheeze out his next laugh. Atlas smiled winningly at him and held up a condom and bottle of lube. “You were saying?”

Reaching up, Gavin ran his fingers through the dark beard covering Atlas’s cheeks and leaned up to whisper against his lips. “That you’re the best boyfriend ever, and I can’t wait to feel you inside me.”

Groaning, Atlas took his mouth in another claiming kiss, but he didn’t stay there long. He made short work of getting them both the rest of the way undressed before he shifted to the side, tucking Gavin close to him and reaching lube slick fingers down between his legs.

One of Gavin’s favorite things was being pressed against Atlas like this—skin to skin. Nothing between them to temper every brush of the soft curls on Atlas’s chest or the hard lines of muscle molding so perfectly against Gavin’s leaner frame. He’d never be tired of the way they fit together. He was sure that taking it this one step further would be no exception.

He gasped, breath damp and warm, against Atlas’s throat at the first probing touch of Atlas’s fingers. Not because it hurt, but because he’d wanted it for so long and because somehow his newly released power coursing through him made everything feel a hundred times more intense.

Another gust of wind blew around the room.

Atlas pressed kisses to his forehead, his cheeks, his nose, and finally his lips. “Easy, love,” he said, voice low and raspy in the small space between their faces. “I’ve got you.”

“I know,” Gavin whispered back, sealing their mouths together. He kissed Atlas with everything he had, rocking down on the fingers Atlas was using to stretch him. The burn turned to pleasure quickly, repeating with every finger Atlas added, pumping them in and out, thoroughly preparing Gavin to take him. “I’m ready, I’m ready,” he finally chanted, pressing at Atlas’s shoulders until he rolled onto his back.

Gavin followed him, straddling his lap and reaching for the condom lying beside them. He tore the package open while Atlas roved reverent hands all over him. Scooting back, he slid the condom over Atlas’s length, gripping him firmly and stroking once he was sheathed.

Atlas’s hips bucked up off the bed, and he threw his head back against the pillow. “You’re a little tease.”

Gavin smirked but released him. Lifting himself onto his knees, he added a little more lube to Atlas’s cock before guiding it to his waiting hole. The first stretch was an exquisite burn. He gasped as his body yielded, sliding down a couple more inches. Atlas was a big man, but like this he felt huge.

Atlas’s big hands gripped his thighs, a grounding, steadying weight, as Gavin worked himself down a little at a time until he was sitting fully in Atlas’s lap.

“Gods, you feel so good.” Atlas squeezed his eyes shut.

Gavin was too overwhelmed to speak. He lifted up and sank back down with a groan. Atlas’s blunt fingers dug into his hips, helping steady him as he increased his tempo, riding the sparking pleasure zinging up his spine.

A cool wind broke over them, whipping around the bed and chilling the sweat building on his skin.

Atlas gasped, green eyes bright in his face. He stared up at Gavin, eyes hungry, looking from his face to the vortex building around them. With every undulation of Gavin’s hips the funnel grew tighter, wrapping them in the wind’s caress as pleasure built and built.

On a final thrust down, Gavin gasped, orgasm rocketing through him and cock spasming as he spilled hot and thick all over Atlas’s belly. Gavin slumped forward as Atlas surged up, wrapping Gavin in his arms and flipping them without ever severing their connection. He claimed Gavin’s mouth in a fierce kiss and thrust deep inside, stilling as he came.

The wind quieted.

Panting, Gavin ran his hands through Atlas’s dark hair and down his back. He hummed, satisfaction making his bones warm and his thoughts syrupy.
