Page 2 of Atlas Epilogue

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A deep pulsing red spread from the middle of Kerak’s eyes, swallowing up the dark pools, until the whole of his sclera was crimson and streaked through with black veins. Power crackled through the room, turning the air heavy and hot, full of an energy that pressed against Gavin’s skin like a brand.

Lifting his hand, Kerak placed his palm on Gavin’s forehead. The heat of it seared him, shooting from that point of contact through his entire body until he was taut and gasping, a livewire wrapped in human flesh.

He didn’t realize the scream echoing off the walls came from his own throat until the sound was already dying off. In front of him, Kerak turned his head, looking off to the side. When Gavin felt like he could move his head, he looked in the direction Kerak had.

Atlas was there, face pale and both arms held behind his back by Lark and Pike.

“Easy, brother,” Lark was saying. “The worst is over.”

Gavin sagged at his words, relief pulsing through him. He held Atlas’s green gaze and smiled. “I’m okay.” Looking back at Kerak, he asked, “Is there more?”

“No. The power is alive within you now.”

Gavin wasn’t sure if he felt different, body still too full of adrenaline. “I don’t feel it.”

Kerak’s dark gaze didn’t move from his. “You will.”

Atlas stood in the doorway of his bedroom, watching the easy rise and fall of Gavin’s chest. He’d fallen asleep as soon as the ritual was over and had stayed that way for the past couple hours.

Behind Atlas, the living room door opened. Without turning, he knew it was Kerak.

“How is he?” Kerak asked, not waiting for permission to step past Atlas into the bedroom.

“Asleep, as you can see. Fine, as far as I can tell.” Knowing that it was ridiculous to be irritated at Kerak didn’t keep the thread of it out of Atlas’s voice.

The corner of Kerak’s lips lifted in a smirk as he turned his head. “Normally, I wouldn’t tolerate that tone, but I understand.” Kerak looked back at Gavin. “He’s your mate. Logic doesn’t always prevail where they’re concerned.” This time when he brought his gaze back to Atlas, his eyes were hard. “He’s also my grandson. He has my protection as well as yours. Remember that.”

A shovel talk from the King of Demons, Atlas thought. That was a new one. Still, it was a warning he took seriously. “You’re right. He is my mate. My heart is his and it will be until this body burns to ash.”

Kerak’s dark gaze never wavered. “Good.” He paused and even though he was still looking at Atlas, it was obvious that something else had caught his attention, as if someone was speaking to him in a way that Atlas couldn’t hear. “Please call me when he wakes and is ready to talk. I need to go see my mate.”

Something in the way he said that caught Atlas’s attention. “Everything okay?”

Kerak turned for the door. “That remains to be seen. Look after my grandson.”


Gavin pulled gritty eyes open to find afternoon sunlight slanted across Atlas’s face. Smiling, Gavin watched Atlas breath, the shift of his eyes beneath his lids, and basked in the warmth filling him.

Stretching, he realized contentment wasn’t the only warmth spreading through his body. His power unfurled like a fist opening in his chest, releasing a rush of energy through his torso that sped down his arms and legs until his fingertips tingled.

A breath of wind swirled through the room, lifting the curtains away from the closed window and ruffling the hair on Gavin’s head.

“That answers that question.”

Gavin turned wide eyes to Atlas, meeting the brilliant green of Atlas’s gaze.


Atlas smiled wide. “Air.”

Closing his eyes, Gavin focused like Violet taught him, accepting the electric hum of his power. Another gust of wind blew through the room—stronger than the last. Gavin opened his eyes with a wide smile of his own. “That’s so cool.”

Atlas rolled on top of Gavin, slotting himself between Gavin’s thighs and bracing the bulk of his weight on his elbows. “You’re so cool,” he said with an eyebrow wiggle and a kiss to the end of Gavin’s nose.

Gavin laughed, delighted and overcome with affection for this man. Leaning up, he gripped the back of Atlas’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss. It stayed chaste for only a moment until Gavin nipped at Atlas’s top lip, pulling a groan from his chest and giving Gavin access to slip his tongue inside.
