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Finally, after what felt like hours, Jackson reached the summit. With one last push, he pulled himself onto the cloud-like platform that served as the top of the beanstalk. Its softness cushioned his fall as he landed on all fours, gasping for breath from the exertion and excitement.

Before him stretched a world unlike anything he could have ever imagined - a floating sky island bathed in an otherworldly glow cast by thousands upon thousands of gleaming lights that seemed to float in mid-air.

A sky full of floating islands enveloped in soft, shimmering clouds that stretched out as far as the eye could see. The vibrant colors assaulted his vision like a rainbow-hued painting come alive. Pinks, purples, blues and yellows swirling around him in intricate patterns. He stood atop the world on a cloud, dumbfounded at the beauty before him.

Slowly, Jackson took it all in. A towering castle perched on fluffy clouds. A castle made of crystal that shimmered like diamonds in the sunlight that appeared to be resting on the clouds themselves.

Spinning in awe, Jackson nearly shrieked when his eyes landed on what must have been a small garden. Though small was relative because this garden could have only been grown to please a giant.

Gigantic fruits and vegetables hung heavy on their vines, dwarfing the ones he could ever grow in his humble plot of land. The air was filled with the faint scent of freshly cut grass and rich earth despite appearing to be on the clouds themselves. Jackson stepped closer, his boots sinking into the soft moss beneath his feet as he approached the edge of the platform. A carrot as big as a tree trunk poked out from between two leafy plants, its greenness sharp against the pale sky.

He reached out to touch it, feeling its rough texture beneath his fingers before yanking it out of the soil and testing its weight with a grunt. It was as if someone had shrunk him down to make this world seem bigger. Every item in this obviously magical garden was massive!

His heart raced with anticipation mixed with fear as he explored further, expecting something to come charging at him at any moment.

But no such creature or person came. So, he picked more.

Tomatoes as big as beach balls, cucumbers longer than he was tall, and potatoes large enough to feed every animal on his farm for a week.

With each plucked item, Jackson's excitement grew. Maybe this could save them after all? Maybe there was hope for his family's farm after all?

A loud crunch echoed through the garden as Jackson bit into a sweet red apple that tasted sweeter than anything from any market stall. Juice ran unchecked down his chin, and he smiled wide at his discovery.

These fruits and vegetables will fetch quite a penny down there.

As the sun began its descent, the sky transformed into a breathtaking canvas of deepening colors - vibrant blues melting into rich violets. The fading light cast a golden glow on his carefully arranged collection, each item positioned with precise attention to detail. He watched as shadows stretched across the landscape, signaling the arrival of dusk and the end of another day.

"I can't even take all of this, what the hell was I doing all day?" Jackson looked around at the harvest. "Tomorrow then. I'll return tonight and set boxes out along the stalk. I'll start climbing before the sun is out. I can shove these miraculous items down and we'll never be hungry again.

The descent was a welcomed change from the arduous ascent, with gravity now aiding his journey instead of hindering it. His feet easily found footing on the gradual slope as they made their way down.

The air felt lighter and fresher, and the weight of his burdens seemed to lessen with each step. He moved with a newfound ease, grateful for the assistance of gravity on their journey until he was once again at the bottom.

Jackson's boots met the soil with a muted thud, and he leaned against the beanstalk's girth, envisioning the bustling market, the jesting men, and the man who gifted him the seed.

"It wasn't a lie. A giant stalk grew, and what's up there … it will change everything."

Barks filled the air as a trio of the farm's dogs rushed to him, tails wagging and tongues flopping out of their mouths. Paws slammed against him, nearly knocking him backward into the stalk.

"Now, now. We'll play later. For now I need to work and rest."

The day's adventure felt like a dream, yet the musky scent of damp earth and the familiarity of his farm reminded him it was all too real. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the landscape - fields once barren now covered in a soft layer of mist that clung to his skin. Taking a deep breath, Jackson let the air fill his lungs, and glanced up at the beanstalk towering above him. It swayed gently against its connection to the clouds before disappearing into the darkening expanse above.



The giant's castle was filled with noise - the clattering of dishes, the murmur of voices, the thundering footsteps of giants going about their day. But high up in the tower, Barrett remained undisturbed.

He leaned on the railing on a balcony of the royal palace, watching the world below with hawk-like eyes. The cool breeze ruffled his dark hair as he stared at the giant intrusion into the cloud. His entire thoughts were focused on what had appeared over night, even though no one else seemed to take note.

A colossal beanstalk had emerged seemingly out of nowhere, its robust stem twisting and coiling its way upwards. The top stopped just a foot above the clouds, and it certainly had no business being here. The twisted vine was a darker green than any shade he'd seen before, and Barrett couldn't ignore the nagging curiosity about how it came to be.

How the giants hadn't seen it yet was beyond Barrett, but he'd watched all morning as two guards checked it out and then left, seemingly unconcerned with the giant plant invading their space.

And yet, they somehow rule most of this land.

Mesmerized, Barrett narrowed his eyes, squinting to see the source of the damn plant. Did it start below the clouds? Or did someone plant something directly into the plush ground of this kingdom? And in both circumstances, why?
