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Thunder rumbled as if to answer, so loud the ground shook path as rain pelted against rooftops, turning them into drum kits played by some heavenly band.

The storm grew stronger and all Jackson could think about was the tiny seed - one of three - likely washed away.

"Nothing like watching a pot boil. And why do I even think it'll grow overnight?" Sighing, he rose, beer unopened, and went to bed.

Jackson awoke abruptly, gasping for air, heart pounding in his chest like a jackhammer on caffeine. Images he couldn't quite see hung at the vestiges of his mind as sleep faded.

It took him a moment to remember where he was and why he felt like this. Rain hammered the roof above him, echoing in the small bedroom of his farmhouse.

Throwing off the covers, Jackson moved to the window, curious what damage the storm may have done.

The rain had soaked the ground, leaving behind only muddy footprints from his earlier inspection. He squinted against the downpour, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

The bean!

Wiping sleep from his eyes, he stumbled to get dressed but was awake before he made it down the stairs to put on some boots and a coat before heading outside into the chaos that used to be a serene farm.

The wind tugged at him like an unyielding force determined to push him back inside, but Jackson walked against it anyway, toward the spot where the seeds were planted.

The ground squelched underfoot as he rushed toward the closest patch of tilled earth.

His eyes darted frantically, looking for any sign of movement or change that disrupted the seed.

Puddles filled every corner of his yard, making muddy prints where he stepped. There was so much mud, including a muddy circle right where he had planted one of those strange seeds.

"Of course, the one thing I tried that was crazy ended exactly as it should." Snarling, Jackson slammed the toe of his boot into the earth where the seed had likely washed away from.

As his boot sunk into the soft ground, a rumble under his feet made him spring back.

The earth trembled violently as the stalk shot upwards, sending ripples through the land that knocked over fences and barrels, cracking open the hardened soil like an eggshell beneath a sledgehammer.

Trees at the perimeter of the drive up the house that stood at least twelve feet tall were now dwarfed by the gargantuan stalk.

A cloud of mud spat into the air, blocking Jackson's view of the insanity that continued around him for just a moment.

The sky above darkened as if night had fallen prematurely, casting ominous shadows over everything as the dust cloud started to settle.

Jackson stood there, mouth agape at what he was witnessing—a beanstalk reaching upwards towards the clouds. It seemed to defy all logic and reason, stretching high above him like a spindly finger pointing towards heaven itself. The vines writhed and twisted around each other as they grew, forming an intricate network of tendrils that snaked their way through every obstacle in their path. The sound of cracking wood filled the air as the stalk shattered fence posts and bulldozed its way across the farmyard.

It didn't take long before it pierced through the clouds overhead, disappearing into the ethereal realm above them. A soft glow emanated from within the stalk, illuminating everything in an eerie blue light that danced across Jackson's face.

"Woah," Jackson managed, his voice a whisper lost amidst the groan of the widening stalk as it climbed into the abyss above.

The trembling ceased, and the world lay still around the gigantic plant, save for the soft hum of bugs that always came post-storm serenading the sun.

The rain had stopped.

He couldn't help but feel drawn to the plant, as if some primal part of him knew what lay at its summit. His heart raced with anticipation at what he might find. Was there really a world beyond these clouds? Was there an answer to his family's struggles hidden among those rolling mists?

Reaching out, Jackson's hand brushed against the rough, vine-covered surface. With an exhale that was part moan, part sigh, Jackson grasped the stalk and, driven by a mix of desperation and thrill, began to climb.

Up and up Jackson went, the beanstalk spiraling toward the heavens. Each step was a challenge, but Jackson's years of farm work made him nimble and strong. The vines were slick with the rain it burst up through, but he held on tight—his grip as sure as his resolve to find a better life for himself and his family. The air grew colder, crisp and fresh in his lungs. He could feel the staircase-like trunk twisting beneath his feet as he ascended higher and higher.

The rustling and creaking of the vine under Jackson's boots as he climbed up the beanstalk were almost soothing to his aching muscles.

He kept going, higher and higher, driven by a curiosity that grew stronger with each step. The cold air nipped at his skin, making him shiver as he ascended. The journey felt like an eternity, but he didn't care. He had to know what waited for him at the top.

Without warning, his fingers slipped against the slick bark as sweat dripped into his eyes - stinging like rainwater meeting with freshly cut grass beneath a harsh sun. Despite the discomfort, he kept climbing.
