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Barrett moaned, arching into Jackson's touch as he spread his legs further apart on the mattress.

"Do it. . . please." His voice was rough now, void of anything but need as he pushed back onto Jackson's thumb, taking it in deeper.

Jackson moved his thumb in and out slowly, reveling in the sounds of pleasure escaping Barrett. He was doing this. He made this royal man scream and buck with desire and he would be the one to find release inside of Barrett.

As another bead of pre-cum welled up on Jackson's cock, he slid down lower once more preparing himself to fuck until neither of them could stand up. Sliding his thumb free, Jackson shifted his hips to set his cock against Barrett. A roll of his hips pressed the head of his shaft against Barrett's opening.

Without hesitation, Jackson pushed forward, slowly entering Barrett with a low growl. The feeling of being inside this man was indescribable.

Slowly but surely, Jackson began to move, setting a steady pace that had them both gasping and moaning with each thrust. Their eyes never left each other as their bodies moved together in perfect harmony.

He let his hands roam over Barrett's back, marveling at the tightness of his body. Every thrust of his hips took him closer to the release he craved.

Reaching his hand under Barrett, he stroked against the slowly softening erection until it came to life under his hand. When Barrett's hand wrapped over Jackson's, everything vanished into a frenzy of thrusts and desires.

In the flickering light, their bodies moved together in rhythmic harmony, the headboard thudding against the wall in time with their frantic coupling. Jackson's hands splayed across Barrett's back, fingers digging into the lean muscles as he drove his hips forward with a primal urgency. The prince arched his hips, meeting each thrust with a wanton eagerness that sent shivers down Jackson's spine.

Pleasure pulsed through Jackson's body as he moved in and out of Barrett, his senses consumed by the feel of their sweaty bodies sliding against each other, the sound of skin slapping together.

He could feel himself getting closer to his release with every thrust, but he wanted to prolong it as long as possible. He wanted to make this moment last forever - this moment where it was just him and Barrett, connected in a way that went beyond physical pleasure.

With one final thrust, Jackson felt himself come undone. His whole body convulsed as he released inside of Barrett with a guttural moan. The feeling was overwhelming - like nothing he had ever experienced before.

As their breathing slowed and their heartbeats returned to something resembling normalcy, Jackson pulled away, his chest heaving. "I'm sorry," he panted, self-loathing, clouding his emerald eyes. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have–"

Barrett silenced him with a finger to his lips. "No apologies," he said, his voice husky with emotion. "You are my knight in shining armor, Jackson. My thief of hearts. And I don't want you to ever apologize for stealing my heart."

At that moment, as they lay entwined in each other's arms, their worries and responsibilities cast aside, Jackson knew tomorrow was going to be the worst day of his fucking life.



Jackson stood tall in the chill of the dark and early morning. Colorado was colder than he'd ever imagined, but they couldn't wait any longer.

Just as it had the last time, the beanstalk had grown in just a few minutes he would imagine - but they did need sleep so they hadn't checked it until now.

"If you're ever in need of anything, you'll find a way to find me and I'll gladly help." Thorne clapped Jackson on the back and gave him a solemn smile.

"I should've commissioned some horseshoes while I had the chance."

Thorne laughed and moved to the stalk, ready to be the first person to climb should there be any issues.

"You did right by us, and there's nothing I could ever say or do to repay you." Lark lifted her arm up and Mardoc landed peacefully on the brown glove. "May we meet again."

"Climb safe."

Lark stepped off to the side so that Barrett could take the second position, protected by both, though he didn't need it.

Jackson looked at Barrett, and all he could see were images from hours before. All he could do was twist his lips into a sad grimace.

"You'll forever be with me." Barrett spoke softly.

"The ground and sky are meant to be separate." Jackson crossed his arms over his chest. "It was a wonderful adventure."

"Goodbye," Barrett paused for a moment and then turned away, walking to grab the stalk and leave forever.

Jackson let his eyes fix on the trio's retreating forms until they vanished into the distance. The adrenaline that had fueled his escape from the giant's clutches finally began to ebb, replaced by a weariness that settled in his bones. The harrowing events of the past few weeks—the miraculous beanstalk, the perilous journey through the castle, the intimate night spent with Barrett—all caught up with him at once.
