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The room was cozy enough, with a warm fire crackling in the hearth and soft carpets underfoot. But there was an unspoken tension lurking between them that seemed to fill every corner.

Jackson pulled off his boots and socks, rubbing at his aching feet as he contemplated what tomorrow might bring. His shirt was next, tossing to the floor where he'd retrieve it in the morning.

The sound of distant laughter and music drifted up from below, carrying on the gentle breeze that swept through the open window. It was an odd mix of sounds—part human delight and part giant revelry—like an ethereal symphony playing just beyond their reach. He glanced over at Barrett, noticing how his eyes seemed to glow in the dim light from the fireplace. There was something otherworldly about him, something that set Jackson's heart racing and mind reeling all at once.

As if sensing his gaze, Barrett turned, and their eyes locked.

"Uh, since this is the last time we're going to really talk, I wanted to thank you again." Jackson knew the words sounded hollow, but the idea of discussing the attraction between them by way of a goodbye seemed stupid.

"It's I who owe you more than what I did. Your farm could still struggle in the years to come, but I will be free."

Jackson nodded, his jaw clenching tight. He'd already thought of that. "It's been an … adventure."

"An adventure," Barrett agreed.

Timidly, as if afraid to spook one another, they drew closer. Jackson's calloused hand reached out, fingers trembling as they brushed against Barrett's cheek. The prince closed his eyes, leaning into the touch, savoring the roughened texture of Jackson's skin against his own.

"Jackson," he breathed, and in that single utterance, there was a world of longing and regret.

"Barrett," Jackson whispered back, his voice raw with emotion.

And then their lips were crashing together, the pent-up desire and passion between them igniting like a wildfire. The kiss was all-consuming, their lips bruising, hungry as if they could devour each other whole. Jackson's tongue darted out, tasting the honeyed sweetness of Barrett's mouth, and a moan escaped the prince's lips, spurring him on. Barrett's hands roamed over Jackson's firm chest and down to his waist, pulling him closer still.

Jackson tumbled Barrett against the bed, pressing his growing erection against Barrett's stomach, giving the prince a chance to back out now that he knew what Jackson wanted. In answer, Barrett ground up against Jackson, throwing him into a spiral.

Jackson's hands roamed over Barrett's body, exploring the contours of his hips, memorizing every curve and dip. The bedding, once pristine and untouched, soon became a tangled mess, the sheets a testament to their desperate passion.

Lava-hot desire coursed through every fiber of Jackson's being as he tasted Barrett's tongue, his mind filling with visions of them entwined in sweet ecstasy. His grip on Barrett tightened as if anchoring himself to this man who'd become an essential part of his life these past few days - whether he wanted it or not. A deep groan escaped from deep within him, vibrating against Barrett's lips. The sound echoed throughout the room like a primal call mixed with longing and need.

His hands found the waistband of Barrett's borrowed jeans, and his fingers made quick work of the zipper, tugging the jeans down a moment later before breaking free of the kiss to free Barrett's erection from the boxers.

Jackson gazed at the beautiful sight in his hands. Barrett's shaft was long and thick, with a bead of arousal already gleaming on the tip.

Barrett's breathing was shallow and rapid as Jackson made certain to lock eyes with the prince, waiting for any sign of rejection as he flicked his tongue over the head of Barrett's cock.

He leaned forward, slowly taking the tip into his mouth, savoring the salty taste and the feel of it sliding down his throat. He bobbed his head up and down, sucking gently as he closed his eyes in bliss.

Barrett's hips jerked involuntarily, his fingers digging into Jackson's shoulders as the man panted and urged Jackson to continue.

Jackson sucked harder, groaning around Barrett's cock as he felt it pulse between his lips. He knew this was wrong - he should be focusing on getting them back home to Earth but couldn't shake off this overwhelming desire for more.

His mouth worked in a rhythm that seemed to hypnotize them both as he bobbed up and down on Barrett's erection, taking more of it into his mouth each time until he could take no more and had to pull back for air. Barrett's moans grew louder as he looked down at him with hooded eyes full of lust and need, his chest rising and falling rapidly with every breath.

Suddenly, Jackson stood again, grasping Barrett's hips tightly as he stared at him with an intensity that sent shivers down Barrett's spine. With a newfound boldness, he wrapped one hand around the base of Barrett's cock while using his other to stroke himself through his underwear. Their eyes locked onto each other during this erotic dance of seduction that left neither man able to look away or control their need for satisfaction.

The mattress creaked under their movements as Jackson took Barrett deeper into his mouth, swallowing around him effortlessly while massaging the base of Barrett's cock with soft kisses along its length.

Needy hands twisted in Jackson's hair as Barrett’s hips bucked wildly before a strangled cry passed from his lips.

Barrett's release flooded into Jackson's mouth unexpectedly, its sweetness overwhelming him briefly before he swallowed it greedily like nectar and he swallowed while looking up at Barrett who watched him intently from hooded eyes filled with lust and something else - something tender that made Jackson feel exposed yet safe all at once.

A groan escaped him as he worked to remove his underwear. His hand went to Barrett's cock, swirling around the beads of release that were still there to collect on his finger.

It was Barrett who moved first, turning and pressing his knees into the mattress. Jackson nearly came undone at the sight of such a well-muscled man laid out before him.

"Fuck," Jackson breathed out, his hand finding its way to Barrett's ass cheeks as he pushed them apart.

He dabbed the thumb covered in Barrett's release against the entrance before slowly pushing it inside, feeling the tight ring of muscle grip around it with delightful tension.
