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“I’m just saying, there are a lot more guards than we anticipated. And how do we know she can get in and out without being caught? I think Dree should shift into a bee or something, and hide in the Dragon’s rooms then kill him while he is asleep.” Cerise says, watching Nox’s hands move.

Dree wouldn’t be able to get out if we did that. He can’t hold a shift that long.

Onyx shakes his head, his face contorted in confusion, worry, and frustration. He glances at the wall, me, then back to the others, before his gaze goes back to the wall again. His eyes dart all around us and I can feel his mind working through the bond. His emotions shift with each scenario he plays out in his head.

“I can get in and out. It’s not a problem.” I say, cutting off whatever argument Cerise is about to make. My eyes go back to the men on the wall, counting and deciding if I’m going to kill them before or after I’m done with the dragon.

Killing them before will make getting out easier, but it will alert the Dragon to something being amiss and may give him a chance to run. No, killing them on the way out is better. I’ll stick to the plan, go in guised as a whore, then get the Dragon to take me to his chambers and kill him. I watch as more supplies are brought in and I use my magic to enhance my hearing, ignoring the guys for a moment as I listen to the servants.

“I hate when he has these balls. All so he can fuck his buddies’ wives or kill the ones he doesn’t like. I wish he would just give up the pretenses of being a decent man. It’s not like he is fooling anyone.”

“Yes, but isn’t it better to be setting up for a ball than to be cleaning up his dungeons? Or being strapped up to one of his tables?”

“Too true.”

The women walk through the gate and I let my hearing return to normal, a plan forming in my mind. The details become clear as I watch the wall and the Keep. The guys are arguing again, Dree now adding in his opinions. Glavior is standing at my shoulder, his eyes on the wall and his hand on my waist as he waits to hear what I have to say.

“Enough! We’re doing this my way. I’ll be the one to kill the Dragon because I have to be.”

“But why?” Cerise asks, crossing his arms over his chest and staring at me.

I stare back at my beautiful Hellhound, trying to decide if I should tell them the truth or not. The Guild is supposed to be a secret, no one is supposed to know who is involved, not even other members. But these are my mates. They deserve to know who they are bound to. They should know what I do, who I am and why I can’t give them the happy life they are so determined to have. There’s no way around telling them.

“Because it’s my assignment.” I say, hoping he will understand without me having to spell it out for him.

Nox stiffens, clearly understanding before the others. Glavior squeezes my shoulder, glancing up, I see a smirk on his face and he nods. Clearly grasping my meaning, but not seeming upset about it.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Onyx asks, pulling my attention away from Glavior and back to my other three mates, all who look a bit confused.

I sigh, crossing my arms to mimic Cerise’s pose. Rolling my eyes, I look at Glavior once more. He nods his head and I turn my attention back to the guys.

“I’m an assassin, a professional one. The Dragon is my latest assignment from my Guild. I have to be the one to kill him, but you guys are going to help me.”

The guys blink at me, staring at my face as if I’ve just spoken Elvish and they can’t comprehend what I said. I just watch them absorb the information and wait for the blow up. I’m a bit shocked when it happens because it isn’t at all what I thought it’d be.

“So … you really are a badass? Huh. I wonder if Glavior’s guild will let him work with yours, or if your guild will let us join. We’ve been holding back until we meet our mate.” Dree says. “Yes, but if she is a part of a guild, then we don’t need to join any. Her and Glavior can make the money and we can be stay at home dads.” Cerise points out, tilting his head to the side.

Yes, but she will have to decline a few assignments while she is pregnant and for about a month after the baby is born. Having children is going to have to be a discussion. Nox signs, his eyes are heated as he stares at my body, as if he is already imagining me swollen with a child.

“Well, that does make me feel a bit better about her part in this. So, how are we doing it? What is your plan, Minx?” Onyx brings the conversation back to the Dragon and I just blink at them.

Glavior is chuckling under his breath, trying to hold in his laughter. I glare at the man, but the smile doesn’t leave his face. In all the conversations we’ve had over the last two weeks, none of them mentioned Glavior was in a guild. Now I’m wondering what guild he is apart of and what types of assignments he does. I guess it doesn’t really matter right now, but I am curious.

“So …” I say slowly, trying to force myself to focus on the mission, shelving the other thoughts for a bit. “The Dragon is throwing a ball. That is how we’re getting in. I want Nox inside with me. His magic is going to lure the Dragon to me. The rest of you, you will be outside of the wall, I’ll enchant a rock so that it glows. When the rock glows, I want you to attack the gate. Don’t worry, the guards will be void of their magic, and their guns won’t be able to aim at you. I just need a distraction to get out of the castle. Then I’ll kill all the guards and anyone else who knows of the Dragon’s actions and does nothing.” “And you expect us to just stand around and do nothing while you kill everyone? Where’s the fun in that?” Cerise asks, seeming a bit offended.

I smirk at the Hellhound, noticing my other men seem to be just as bloodthirsty as he is.

“Fine, if you really want some fun, I’ll let you kill the guards, but only when the rock glows.” My mates share ruthless smiles, the thought of being able to get their hands dirty clearly putting them in a great mood. The rest of the evening, until the sun sets and party guests start arriving, I work on enchanting the two rocks with Dree’s help. When the moon is high in the sky, I'm glamoring myself and Nox. I changed our appearance completely, nox has smooth caramel skin and long braids, and I have a peachy complexion and loose, wavy brown hair. The dress I’m wearing is indecent, but only to the people that can see the glamor. It’s finally time. With one final warning to the others to wait for the signal, and a smile at Nox, I portal us to the tree line by the bridge leading to the gate of the Keep. Nox reaches down and grabs my hand.

“Ready, Killer?” He asks, his smooth baritone voice sending shivers down my spine and has heat building in my belly.

I smile, not a nice smile, but the one I wear while killing my prey. A predatory smile that promises pain and blood. “Beyond.”

Together we step onto the bridge and head into the Keep to kill the Dragon.

Chapter 19

Getting through the gate and into the party is surprisingly easy. My nerves are on edge, thinking that this plan is working too well. Then again, Nox knew a lot about the Dragon, a lot more than I realized he knew. The guards took one look at me, shared a glance, then smiled condescendingly at Nox and allowed us to pass through. I’m sure that they called up to someone in the Castle, but I let it go for now. They would all be dead soon enough.
